Monday, October 26, 2009

It's Monday And There Is Rain On The Way!

Much of the last few days has been spent doing the day to day chores around the house and getting the PC all back together again. Now the PC starts up OK and shuts down fine. I have lost a couple of things but now everything seems to be for the better than before it was infected with a computer virus. Yesterday I made an 'image' of the fully reformatted hard disk which I have 'stored' away on an external hard drive. This can then be used to quickly revert the PC back to the same state it is in right now.

I am now a little behind on my home brew schedule. On Thursday both Tony and Paul came around to share their thoughts on the area where the palm is about to be removed. See the photo for the area in question. The biggest and furthest palm in this photo is the one to go. We are still debating what to do the area in be it pavers or patterned colored concrete. After our recent issues with pavers I am leaning towards the concrete alternative.

Paul is quite a good handyman and has experience with this sort of thing. The guys brought a few home brews with them but the heat of the day or the conviviality of discussion lead to quite a few of my supply being consumed. We are still not sure how Tony managed to ride home on his bike!

Saturday morning was Computer Club again. During the afternoon I went to the local Caloundra RSL Sub-Branch with Tony and an ex-Vietnam mate of his named Gordon. Tony's wife Angela is currently in Sydney catching up with family so Tony's mate is keeping him company for a few days! It is $2.20 a schooner at the Sub Branch so it really is the more you drink the more you save! It was a pleasant couple of hours spent there.

I am planning to put two brews on this morning to replenish my supplies. Then hopefully later after lunch some much overdue rain is due.

A recent newspaper article said Brisbane had not had a substantial fall of rain for 128 days! We live in the sub-tropics so it is extremely unusual in October for things to be this dry. I took this photo of the front lawn yesterday afternoon. I am using it as a "before the rain came photo". Hopefully the photo I post next week will show the same front lawn all green!

Trish did a volunteer afternoon at the Tourist Information Centre Sunday afternoon and is again out with the Volunteers this morning. Local tourist destinations like to 'host' the volunteers so they will recommend their venue to tourists.

We saw a Japanese movie with subtitles the other night called "Departures". It won a world wide film award and gets a massive score of 8.2 at IMDB. I am not all that interested in movies with subtitles but this movie was an exception and deserved its extremely high score. Keep your eye out for it.

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