Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Palms Have Gone!

I went to the Computer Club this morning. Meanwhile back at home the guy arrived at about 9:30 am to remove the two palms. When he used his chainsaw bits flew all over our small backyard. Bits went into the pool, over the fences and everywhere. This meant there was some tidying up to do!

After an hour or so the two palms were gone! By the time I got home Trish had already done a fair bit of tidying up. It now looks like someone has had a front tooth removed, the backyard looks so different!

Later, I set about bottling about 5 dozen bottles of beer! It took a couple of hours to do and I was pretty tired at the end of it all. After the eqipment had been washed and the newly bottled beer stored away it was time for a quick swim. The pool was over 26 degrees so I spent some time recuperating in the pool (and enjoying a cool ale!)

I will sleep well tonight!

Friday, October 30, 2009

It's Friday

We have been enjoying days with temps in the mid 20's and high teens overnight. The pool is about 23.5 degrees in the morning and gets up to about 26 most afternoons. We have had no rain to speak of. Everywhere around our estate is looking extremely dry.

I continue to ride most mornings and I am usually accompanied by Tony and/or Paul. This morning we did about 13k's with around 11k's our usual daily average.

About 12 months again when returning from the Whitsundays I got a nasty stone chip in my windscreen. I had it repaired but the guy wasn't confident it would work 100%. Just recently a crack less then 1cm (.5 an inch) appeared around the stone chip. I made enquiries about a replacement windscreen. On Monday while driving in Caloundra I was again hit by a stone kicked up by another car. It made a heck of a noise.

Yesterday a crack about 25cms (8") long stretched across the top of the windscreen. It is to be replaced on Monday.

Yesterday the Bellvista Community Association was handed its new website. One of the designers came to my place and showed us how it would all work. So much of yesterday was spent updating everything and 'learning' how to do things. It is similar in concept to "Blogger" but much more sophisticated. You can see it at There are a couple of issues to sort out (email addresses, a couple of missing pictures) and hopefully all will be fine by the end of next week.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Washing Day

On Monday afternoon I put two brews on, one a lager and lemon, the other a black ale. Two brews means double bottle washing and double bottling! Washing bottles isn't the best fun you can have. The photo shows enough bottles for the two brews all filled with water and bleach to sanitize them. I have now completed the task and about 60 bottles are currently drying in the backyard as I type! It was a big job! They will probably be bottled over the weekend.

The rain forecast for Monday night failed to eventuate. We got 9mls which was nowhere near what had been forecast. Today Wednesday is a lovely sunny day in the mid 20's. The pool is also around 26 degrees late in the afternoon at the moment. It loses a couple of degrees overnight depending on how far the temperature gets down.

I continue to ride most mornings and then I have a quick swim to cool off. Magpies have swooped me twice over the last 4 weeks which is pretty good really. We spoke with a lone cyclist and she said she was swooped most days. It appears there is magpie safety in numbers! We expect Tony to rejoin us in riding tomorrow as he finally recovers from having a Vietnam mate stay with him for a few days!

For those of you in Melbourne I learned Eddie has just had his gall bladder out. He has been to hospital so many times this year he is thinking of moving in full time!

The area where the palm is to be removed is now ready. The photo doesn't really show how much space we will gain in the 'back corner' but there should be plenty of room to seat about 6 people when all is finished. The palm is due come out Thursday afternoon!

My computer continues to run very well indeed. I have had to adjust some program settings to get everything just running perfectly. I am very happy with the outcome.

At Russ' advice I subscribed to a daily specials site called 1saleaday. Yesterday I bought some Vivitar Binoculars for $10. A few days earlier I bought 4 watches for $9! Trish is wearing one right now and it works quite well. Good fun!

Monday, October 26, 2009

It's Monday And There Is Rain On The Way!

Much of the last few days has been spent doing the day to day chores around the house and getting the PC all back together again. Now the PC starts up OK and shuts down fine. I have lost a couple of things but now everything seems to be for the better than before it was infected with a computer virus. Yesterday I made an 'image' of the fully reformatted hard disk which I have 'stored' away on an external hard drive. This can then be used to quickly revert the PC back to the same state it is in right now.

I am now a little behind on my home brew schedule. On Thursday both Tony and Paul came around to share their thoughts on the area where the palm is about to be removed. See the photo for the area in question. The biggest and furthest palm in this photo is the one to go. We are still debating what to do the area in be it pavers or patterned colored concrete. After our recent issues with pavers I am leaning towards the concrete alternative.

Paul is quite a good handyman and has experience with this sort of thing. The guys brought a few home brews with them but the heat of the day or the conviviality of discussion lead to quite a few of my supply being consumed. We are still not sure how Tony managed to ride home on his bike!

Saturday morning was Computer Club again. During the afternoon I went to the local Caloundra RSL Sub-Branch with Tony and an ex-Vietnam mate of his named Gordon. Tony's wife Angela is currently in Sydney catching up with family so Tony's mate is keeping him company for a few days! It is $2.20 a schooner at the Sub Branch so it really is the more you drink the more you save! It was a pleasant couple of hours spent there.

I am planning to put two brews on this morning to replenish my supplies. Then hopefully later after lunch some much overdue rain is due.

A recent newspaper article said Brisbane had not had a substantial fall of rain for 128 days! We live in the sub-tropics so it is extremely unusual in October for things to be this dry. I took this photo of the front lawn yesterday afternoon. I am using it as a "before the rain came photo". Hopefully the photo I post next week will show the same front lawn all green!

Trish did a volunteer afternoon at the Tourist Information Centre Sunday afternoon and is again out with the Volunteers this morning. Local tourist destinations like to 'host' the volunteers so they will recommend their venue to tourists.

We saw a Japanese movie with subtitles the other night called "Departures". It won a world wide film award and gets a massive score of 8.2 at IMDB. I am not all that interested in movies with subtitles but this movie was an exception and deserved its extremely high score. Keep your eye out for it.

Friday, October 23, 2009

People Who Play With Fire .......

This post is coming from my newly reformatted Vista PC! I had been thinking about reformatting for some time and over the last 36 hours or so the PC is getting back to where it was.

But now it starts up perfectly, closes down perfectly and transfers files quickly and effectively.

As many of you know I am quite interested in pirate software. I was helping a Computer Club colleague out and looking for a serial number for a program he wanted to register. Outside my usual sources I found a 'serial' and downloaded it. When the file came through it was actually a keygen, a small program which makes serials for a certain program.

I ran the keygen and my computer just seemed to hum along with the red activity light flashing but no keygen appearing. I stopped the keygen program but it appears I was too late, my computer was infected by a virus. I ran my anti-virus to hunt it out, after 30 seconds the anti-virus program stopped working and would not restart. The same happened with two other anti malware spyware programs, they just became inoperable. The photo is of the reformat process in operation!

So the lengthy task of reformatting went ahead.

Now I am glad it happened, it forced me to make a decision and my PC will be much better off for the reformat!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Palm To Go

Visitors to our home frequently remark on the three tall palms beside the pool. They have provided wonderful shade during the hot summer months and added to the tropical feeling of our home. They are usually pleasant to look out upon from our living area and provide a certain amount of privacy for us.

Each year they grow taller. As they grow taller, the lower palm fronds die off thus removing quite a bit of the shade during the hottest days of the year. We have decided the tallest palm has to go, it is looking a bit sad during this dry spell and no longer provides us with the shade it used to. They also soak up a lot of water from the garden.

We have received a quote to have it removed and the removal should happen sometime in the next 10 days.

We plan to extend our small seating area there to give us some more room. How we are eventually going to do that has not been finalized just yet but we are asking one of our friends here (who is quite a handy man) to give us his opinion on what we could do.

I spent quite a bit of time over winter tarting up the umbrella stand. It had become rusty so I cut it all back and resprayed it. The climate here is just too harsh for metal and again it has become rusty and has left a couple of rust marks on the newly rejuvenated pavers. Unfortunately the marks have not been removed despite the advice we had previously received. After some treatment the marks have faded but it also appears to have washed away some of the new pigment. I am pleased we didn't pay for any of the estimated $1600 for the rejuvenation.

Last night Trish and I watched the recent Woody Allen film "Whatever Works". I am not a huge fan of his but we both enjoyed the film very much. There are heaps of great one liners and as with most of his films, everyone finishes up 'happy ever after'.

I had my first ride for some time today with Tony. I was warm enough upon my return to have a quick dip in the pool. We are expecting about 26 or so today. Everyone here in Queensland is really wanting to see some rain, it has been so dry!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

On The Mend

The weather here remains fine with sunny days. However the wind is now from the the south so our days are a little cooler with most daily temps getting to the mid 20's. There still hasn't been any rain to speak of for some time.

I have had a bit of a head cold which has seen me finish up with an infection. After a hastily made doctor's appointment on Friday I am now on a course of antibiotics so the infection should be cleared up shortly. I have a problem with one of my ears and this has been involved with the infection. It has upset my balance a little. Things are OK if I am sitting but any sudden movement and I can become a little unsteady on my feet. My painful ear is now much improved and the 10k morning bike ride is off the agenda.

I had a second visit for the week to the chiropractor as my back was giving me all sorts of trouble.

With the head cold infection I have been trying to take it easy and have generally stayed at home. I did get to Computer Club yesterday which I enjoyed. On Friday I struggled to the homes of a couple of other Computer Club members and assisted with installing a printer at one place and sorting out a couple of issues at another.

Yesterday afternoon Trish and I headed around to have a quiet couple of drinks with Paul and Linda. Tony Mohr joined us later. It was a lovely afternoon.

Today will again be quiet as I continue to battle with the head cold.

Keith sent me a copy of this youtube video of a bicyclist being chased by a police car. Boy can he ride!

Click HERE to see the video

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Current Economic Crisis

Curtis &Leroy saw an ad in the Starkville Daily News Newspaper in Starkville, MS. and bought a mule for $100. The farmer agreed to deliver the mule the next day. The next morning the farmer drove up and said, "Sorry, fellows, I have some bad news, the mule died last night."

Curtis & Leroy replied, "Well, then just give us our money back."
The farmer said, "Can't do that... I went and spent it already."
They said, "OK then, just bring us the dead mule."
The farmer asked, "What in the world ya'll gonna do with a dead mule?" Curtis said, "We gonna raffle him off."
The farmer said, "You can't raffle off a dead mule!"
Leroy said, "We sure can! Heck, we don't hafta tell nobody he's dead!"

A couple of weeks later, the farmer ran into Curtis & Leroy at the Piggly Wiggly grocery store and asked, "What'd you fellers ever do with that dead mule?" They said, "We raffled him off like we said we wuz gonna do." Leroy said, "Shucks, we sold 500 tickets fer two dollars apiece and made a profit of $898." The farmer said, "My Lord, didn't anyone complain?"

Curtis said, "Well, the feller who won got upset. So we gave him his two dollars back." Curtis and Leroy now work for the U.S. government. They're overseeing the Bailout Program.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sorting Out My TV

We have had our plasma TV for several years now and there have been some incredible improvements since we first purchased it. Now people create entertainment suites and have all sorts of things connected to their TV, a media player, a DVD player, an amplifier, Pay TV etc. New TV's come with heaps of connections but three years ago you only got one connector for high quality video. The best connector nowadays is HDMI which wasn't even invented when we got our TV. Our TV has a single connector called DVI . You can see a male DVI plug in the picture below at the near end of the adapter.

I am currently playing around with using adapters and switches to be able to connect several of my entertainment pieces to the best quality video connection I can.

There is a website called DealExtreme which has all sorts of interesting electrical connectors and items for sale. I will buy 2 HDMI to DVI Adapters (like in the picture left). This will allow me to use the one DVI connector at the rear of the TV and convert it to HDMI.

The second DVI to HDMI adapter will go on my Set Top Box which only has a DVI connection. Our TV is so old, the digital tuner is not built in like every TV you buy today.

In our local electrical store each adapter costs about $17, but from DealExtreme they are about $3.50 each with free postage.

Then I will buy a HDMI switch. The switch has 3 inputs and one output. It comes with a remote control which will switch between the inputs through to the one output to the TV. In my situation I will have one input for my media player (watching movies I have downloaded from the internet) another input for our Free To Air TV and the final input if we decide to upgrade our Pay TV service to High Definition. The new Pay TV boxes are expected to have a HDMI connection at the back.

And finally I will need to buy a couple of HDMI leads to connect the pieces to the HDMI switch box. I had one lead and an adapter delivered today and temporarily connected the Media Player to the TV. The resultant picture was certainly much sharper and clearer.

All up it will cost me about $55 to set it all up and have the best picture possible.

It is 32 degrees today with a very strong south westerly blowing in from Central Australia. I have given up using the leaf rake to clear stuff off the surface of the pool. I do it once then 10 minutes later it is a mess again. The wind is expected to drop tomorrow and we will have another 30 degree day. The pool is still a bit on the cool side!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Hot And Windy Today

There is a very strong northerly blowing right now. It is not a good day to clean the pool. I suspect there is some dust about too. Yesterday was cool and windy. The pool is now about 22 overnight but with a cool night it can lose several degrees. The recent promised rain has totalled a mere couple of mls.

I have been back to the chiropractor with a crook back again. It is amazing that a small twist can cause so much discomfort. I am a bit better today though.

I rode alone today, Tony was concerned about pushing into the very strong wind and further aggravating his foot while Paul was late getting back from walking the dog. He thought the wind would remove any pleasure from the exercise so he didn't ride either. I got my full 10k bike ride in.

The new school here, which now has over 1000 students, has just started its School Crossing today. It is manned by fully trained and certified volunteers. They were having a final 'on the job training session' this morning as I rode past and grabbed this photo. Later on I finished up giving the dead front lawn a quick mow just to give it a tidy up. It is the first time it has been mowed since before we went to Melbourne in late August! A surprisingly large amount of grass came off.

The swim in the pool directly afterwards is best described as 'bracing'. With 32 expected today, the pool should warm up a few degrees.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday And There Is Rain About

Again a while since I last brought things up to date with the Blog page. The last few days have been cool, with temperatures struggling to get to 24 or so.

On Thursday morning I found this little fellow in the pool. He was quite tired having spent much of night trying to get out! He is now resting comfortably. Remember to click on the images for a larger view, then click on "Back" to return to this page.

One of my riding colleagues (and fellow Bellvista Home Brew Association member) Paul Harrison celebrated his 60th birthday on Saturday afternoon. There was lunch and about 20 or so guests. I was doing a presentation at the Computer Club Saturday morning so Trish and I didn't get there till about 1 pm. It was the first time I had been to the Computer Club for three weeks. I was able to help a few people out and everyone seemed to appreciate any help I could provide.

Paul Harrison and his wife Linda have previously lived in Sth Africa. Before eventually moving to our estate on the Sunshine Coast they had also lived in Melbourne and Sydney. Geoff and Renee Dyer are other Sth African friends of theirs from Melbourne and they flew up to help celebrate Paul's birthday. Geoff has been joining us on our daily bike rides. This photo shows us enjoying a beer together at the party. We have made tentative arrangements to catch up with Geoff and Renee when next in Melbourne. Geoff is seen here in the blue top while the other couple is another Tony and his wife.

Linda had spent some time preparing a marvelous luncheon for us which everyone enjoyed. Can you see Trish in this photo? The birthday boy Paul is in the red top with a pewter tankard in hand.

It was a top afternoon and we all enjoyed plenty of home brew and had lots of laughs together. We finished up back at our home about 6:00pm.

My PC suffered another nasty hiccup the other day but ever since it has been working perfectly without a hitch. After the hiccup my browser program Firefox would not work properly. I had to totally reinstall it including my Firefox profile as well. The beauty of Firefox is the add-ons you can install to get it to do everything you want. I found less than half the add-ons would install! It stumped me for a while. As a last resort I turned my Kaspersky Anti-virus (KAV) off and tried to install again. They all went on perfectly. Apparently KAV thought something was trying to attack my browser and it was stopping the install. You learn something new every day.

There is a promise of some rain today. It has been incredibly dry here despite the 7mls overnight Friday. The front lawn is completely dead right now. The rain expected today will be very welcome. The summer rainy season starts soon and the local parks and gardens sure need a good drenching. The slight greenish tinge is from the recent 7mls but we need lots more.

Friday, October 09, 2009

I Just Hate This Sort Of Joke ....

A man is driving down the road and breaks down near a monastery. He goes to the monastery, knocks on the door, and says, My car broke down. Do you think I could stay the night?

The monks graciously accept him, feed him dinner, and even fix his car. As the man tries to fall asleep, he hears a strange sound; a sound like no other that he has ever heard. The next morning, he asks the monks what the sound was, but they say, We can't tell you because you're not a monk.

The man is disappointed but thanks them anyway and goes about his merry way. Some years later, the same man breaks down in front of the same monastery.

The monks again accept him, feed him, and even fix his car..

That night, he hears the same strange mesmerizing sound that he had heard years earlier.

The next morning, he asks what the sound was, but the monks reply,

We can't tell you because you're not a monk.

The man says, all right, all right. I'm dying to know.

If the only way I can find out what that sound was is to become a monk, how do I become a monk?

The monks reply, you must travel the earth and tell us how many blades of grass there are and the exact number of sand pebbles. When you find these numbers, you will become a monk.

The man sets about his task. Some forty-five years later, he returns and knocks on the door of the monastery. He says, I have travelled the earth and devoted my life to the task demanded and have found what you had asked for. There are 371,145,236,284,232 blades of grass and 231,281,219,999,129,382 sand pebbles on the earth.

The monks reply, congratulations, you are correct, and you are now considered a monk .

We shall now show you the way to the sound.

The monks lead the man to a wooden door, where the head monk says, the sound is behind that door.

The man reaches for the knob, but the door is locked. He asks, May I have the key?

The monks give him the key, and he opens the door.

Behind the wooden door is another door made of stone... The man requests the key to the stone door.

The monks give him the key, and he opens it, only to find a door made of ruby. He demands another key from the monks, who provide it. Behind that door is another door, this one made of sapphire. And so it went on until the man had gone through doors of emerald,...

...silver, topaz, and amethyst.

Finally, the monks say, This is the key to the last door .

The man is relieved to be at the end. He unlocks the door, turns the knob, and behind that door he is astonished to find the source of that strange sound. It is truly an amazing and unbelievable sight

.. But I can't tell you what it is because you're not a monk.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

A Cool Thursday

A cool southerly change blew in yesterday afternoon. Just prior to the change there were storms about. Maroochydore, 20k's north of us received 35 mls, we got 1 ml! Today the temp is around the low to mid 20's.

It appears that sometime recently my PC has had quite a hiccup. Many settings have been changed and my Office 2003 stopped working properly. I have now uninstalled Office 2003 and I have installed what is called a "Portable" version of Office 2007. A portable version is a version you can carry around on a USB stick. You just plug it in to a USB port, navigate to the "Word" icon on the USB stick where you click on it and then up pops Word 2007.

When Office 2007 is fully 'installed' various bits and pieces get installed all over your computer. Quite a few folders are installed into a folder called Documents and settings (XP) or App Data (Vista). With a 'portable version', the 'bits' are all retained in the one folder on your PC. My Portable Office 2007 has Word, Excel and Powerpoint included. I downloaded a copy of "Powerpoint Viewer" (a freebie from Microsoft) and then I downloaded a portable version of Publisher 2003. All work very well. The beauty of using portable versions is they are outside Microsoft's Genuine Advantage scheme which detects illegal copies of Office installed on people's computers. Then you get pop-up messages saying your copy of Office is not legal.

Wednesday morning was spent sorting out my PC hassles. I found time to update the Bellvista Community Association website and bring it up to date. You can check out the website I built and maintain HERE. In the afternoon I was a representative of our local Community Association at a 'signing' of a memorandum Of Understanding between SCRC and three community associations.

On Tuesday night Trish and I watched a movie called "Black Book". It told the story of a female Dutch Resistance fighter during WWII. It was 'inspired by true events' and both Trish and I enjoyed it very much. Much of the movie was subtitles but we found this did not get in the way of the story. It was great.

John Logan has been home for a few nights. He has now set Skype up on his laptop and he was amazed at how it all worked last night when he was setting me up as his first 'Skype contact'.

A quiet day today tidying up, giving the house a quick clean and messing around.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

This Joke Gave Me A Laugh

There are two statues in a park; one of a nude man and one of a nude woman. They had been facing each other across a pathway for a hundred years, when one day an angel comes down from the sky and, with a single gesture, brings the two to life.

The angel tells them, 'As a reward for being so patient through a hundred blazing summers and dismal winters, you have been given life for thirty minutes to do what you've wished to do the most.'

He looks at her, she looks at him, and they go running behind the shrubbery. The angel waits patiently as the bushes rustle and giggling ensues. After fifteen minutes, the two return, out of breath and laughing.

The angel tells them, 'Um, you have fifteen minutes left, would you care to do it again?' He asks her 'Shall we?' She eagerly replies, 'Oh, yes, let's! But let's change positions this time, I'll hold the pigeon down and you s#*t on its head.'

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Yes, I Am Still Here!

It has been a hectic few days since I last posted on the blog.

Thursday was spent watching cricket again at Maroochydore. It was a later start than usual for John and me as we had a little recovering to do from the 20/20 matches the night before. But as usual the cricket was fantastic. Though this photo is from the previous day, you will notice John suffers from sunburn so he needs to take extraordinary steps to keep the harmful sun's rays at bay.

John who is now retired is beginning to take an interest in movies which can be downloaded from the internet. He is not a computer savvy person but with this new found interest, he sees computers as a problem to be overcome. Any spare minute we had was spent going over how to download movies, what software you need and then how to show them. After spending about $320 John walked away from JB Hi Fi with a 1 terabyte external hard disk drive and a WD TV Media Player. Time was then spent (whenever possible) either copying movies across from my storage drives or going through the software and how it all worked. It has been a massive learning curve for him.

Then there was stuff to do with photos, saving email attachments and other skills attached to using a PC. He was a smart learner! He will use my site at to help him out. We have been through it all numerous times now.

Friday night was another 20/20 match again at Caloundra while Saturday turned out to be a movies/computer day! Sunday's cricket match was cancelled so again we worked on movies. Later that afternoon (photo above left) we went to Paul and Linda's home for a meal and to watch the N.R.L. Grand Final. Tony and Angela were there too and we all had a fantastic night. Linda and Paul cooked up some sausages and mash along with onion gravy and mushy peas. It was great. Again we either ate or drank too much!

Finally it was Monday, the day of John's flight back to Melbourne at 5;15 that night. After a glorious lunch at Buderim Tavern we dropped John at the airport a little early but with plenty of time to spare. However the plane was delayed and left well after 10pm. With Daylight Saving now in the southern states John didn't get to his bed at home till 3 in the morning!

I rang him this morning at about 11 am, he was jsut out of bed steadily saving attached photos from emails he had stored for over 6 years because he did not know how to do it.

Trish has gone to Brisbane with Betty again today!

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Night Cricket

Tony from the Bellvista Home Brew Appreciation Society decided to join John and myself for the two 20/20 matches to be played Wednesday afternoon and then a second game under lights here in Caloundra.

Previously John and I had been quite well behaved but yesterday we were driven to the ground so driving was not a problem.

We had a great time as this photo shows. The cricket was sensational with 800 runs being scored in the two games. Former Australian One Day player Mark Cosgrove hit a scintillating 60 runs in a little over 20 balls. The weather was perfect during the afternoon, though we locals thought it was a bit cool at night.

I had a quick chat with Queensland player Dan Doran. Dan had lived for quite some time in Victoria, actually he lived in Vanessa Drive Hampton Park very close to where we used to live. Dan played some cricket with my footy going mates Keith and Jeff.

A great day was had by all.