Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Time For An Update

Here we are and it is Tuesday. We have had some great weather lately, a lot warmer than some of the wintry days of last week. Yesterday it was about 23 or so.

As usual I spent Saturday morning at the Computer Club helping out. Much of the weekend was spent watching sport on TV. At the moment Australia is playing England in cricket with play televised here live from the UK. It starts at about 8pm and goes through to about 2:30 am. I try to watch as much as I can but I don't ever make it to the end of play. But it is after midnight when I eventually fall into bed. The late nights are starting to mount up.

My footy team was beaten again on the weekend, their first consecutive losses for over 2 seasons. Hopefully they are saving up for another go at wining the Grand Final on that last day in September.

I have had a few people ask me about getting movies off the internet. I put together some instructions on how to do it and then yesterday I converted this to a web site. You can see it here: http://movieshowto.50webs.com/index.html

We had people around for dinner last night. I seem to have had plenty to drink as this morning I am a bit 'tender'. Trish made some curries which were just great. I think everyone had a great time.

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