Thursday, July 09, 2009

It Is The Middle Of Winter You Know!

That is what I keep on telling myself, "It is the middle of winter you know!"

The cool blustery winds have continued all this week. Quite a few showers and 10 mls of rain on Tuesday did not help. Today continues cool with temps struggling to get to 20 degrees. The reverse cycle air-con has been used most nights but only for 45 minutes or so till the place warms up. Then we can turn it off.

My footy team was beaten for the first time this season on Sunday. It was a great match and the final score difference of only 1 goal meant it was a close great game. The game could have gone either way.

I had a Community Association Meeting on Monday night and the development of the new BeCA website has kept me fairly busy with emails going all over the place. However things now appear to be sorted out and there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I put some security software on a couple of computers on Tuesday for people and got a bit of a scare as they took almost 24 hours before they would update. But they all updated eventually and everyone is happy.

A BeCA Committee member needed some software to be able to read the Association Reports and I am pleased to say there is another happy customer there.The person who does the BeCA newsletter does not have a good picture/photo manipulation program so I will install a few things for her tomorrow morning.

Tony and I ride most mornings and now Trish attends a local Gym for her exercise.

1 comment:

Texas Lou said...

How does 41C sound to you? That was our high this afternoon and now, at 8 is 38C. Still too hot for me to go out and water the poor wilting plants. I HATE summers here. It is always this hot, but there is nothing I can do but endure it by staying inside most of the time. This happens to be where we live and own land.