Saturday, June 27, 2009

Home From Computer Club

It is Saturday afternoon and I have recently returned from the morning at the Computer Club. I was able to help a few people and actually received some "Thanks". One elderly guy I was speaking with had just returned from a holiday to Malaysia. He must be in his mid seventies and was telling about how much he had enjoyed things. I asked him where he stayed when in Penang and he told me about a Guest House in Chulia St he loved at about AUD$6 per night. Just incredible some of these oldies!

I managed to get John safely to the Airport at Maroochydore Friday morning well and truly in time for him to catch his flight back to Melbourne. It was great having him here and helped me spend time while Trish was in Melbourne. The photos you see here were taken while John was here.

The top photo is the wreck of the S.S. Dicky after which the beach was named.

After dropping John off with his Mum for the night, I hurried back home as I had received a phone call from a long time ago colleague of mine, Kevin Hughes and his wife Di. Kev and I taught in adjoining classrooms at RAAF School Penang in 1977-78. It was great to catch up again and check out where everyone from those days was and all the news.

Friday afternoon saw me around to Tony's place to show him how to convert movies I download into DVD format. We had a couple of drinks too. During the morning I made myself a casserole dish which will probably do me for 3 evening meals. Fortunately it was delicious.

Footy on TV should fill the rest of the weekend. On Monday I am around to a mate's place for tea. I have lawns to mow, a car to wash and floors to do as well as a load or two of washing before I collect Trish at about 10:30 on Wednesday.

Hope you like the joke below!

1 comment:

Texas Lou said...

I love your two beach pictures today. I could see the ocean behind your friend. For us to get to the Gulf of Mexico is at least an 8 or 9 hour drive. We are totally inland and nearly desert. Cactus is one of our weeds in the pasture. And 41C is entirely TOO hot. Expected temp again on Saturday.