Thursday, November 06, 2008

US Elections All Over The Place

After some great weather we had a "Melbourne" day yesterday. Though the max may have been 23, for most of the day it was hovering between 19 and 20! We had black clouds and rain. This morning I tipped 50mls or 2 inches out of the rain gauge. The pool is full again, the garden is watered and the lawn is beginning to green up again.

News reports here are full of the election of Obama as the USA President Elect! Evidently the first 8 pages of one Aussie newspaper were devoted totally to the election of Barack Obama. Even newspaper online websites are full of the news. The photo to the left is a screen shot from an Aussie Newspaper website!

Texas Lou and family are just delighted with the new President, despite their state Texas eventually having its college votes go to McCain.

The news has does nothing to help the poor old share market with Australia following Wall St's lead and dropping several percent.

Cricket from India on TV today so that will fill in my day nicely!

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