Monday, November 17, 2008

Storms Across SE Queensland

As forecast, storms rolled in late yesterday bringing heavy rain and destructive winds. All of South East Queensland was affected. I just tipped 23mls (almost an inch) out of the rain gauge this morning. The photo to the left shows the storm clouds rolling in at about 6pm last night. However other areas around Brisbane wore the brunt of the strong winds and damage.

The photos below show some of the damage caused by cyclonic like winds and heavy rain around Brisbane suburbs. One person died when swept down a storm drain! (Why would you be standing in a storm water drain with a storm just about to hit?) We certainly didn't get any weather like that up here on the Sunshine Coast which is about 100k's north of Brisbane.

More storms are forecast for Wednesday evening. We are getting close to our annual rainfall total for the year. Another couple of inches of rain and we will hit the annual average!

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