Tuesday, November 04, 2008

It's "Cup Day"

Melbourne Cup Day on the Sunshine Coast is fine and sunny with temp a sticky 28 degrees. The fans are whirling overhead keeping everyone (Trish and me!) cool.

It has been a busy couple of days. The new router went crazy Monday morning and turned itself off and then had all sorts of problems reconnecting to the internet. Later that morning we had a phone call come in and we couldn't answer it on any of the phones connected to the new router's voip connection! Voip is where you can use the internet part of your connection to make cheap calls Australia wide. So the new Billion router came off and the DLink went back on again.

The setup on the DLink is all made via a wizard, you type in a few details and the thing sets itself up! The new Billion router needs each little bit to be set up in each section, firstly Internet Connection, then the Local Network Connection (Trish's Laptop), and finally setting up the Voip and fine tuning your phone connection so it can differentiate between ordinary calls and Voip calls. There were some heated exchanges via email between myself and Billion Support! I also created a discussion thread covering my issues on "Whirlpool" where I got some good advice. A bit of trial and error and the Billion is now back on and working perfectly ... I think! The PC has not skipped a beat either over the last few days!

Did a 10k bike ride this morning. The photo above shows how quickly the grass is growing beside the pathways (or how long it takes the Council to get around to mowing it!) I ride past the Caloundra Air Museum and here is a quick shot I took today. Pretty warm stuff so I enjoyed a 10 minute cool off in the pool when I got home. Then a bottling to do. Now all is done and the rest of the day is free.

The new router cost me about $140 when I picked it up on Saturday after buying it online. This is a great price for a modem router with wireless connection and Voip! With the Aussie dollar dropping over the last few months, prices of goods from overseas have been going up. Other online retailers were selling the same model unit for over $170, some over $200. I checked the price of mine at the online site I bought it from and saw that on Monday the price had gone to almost $180! I got in just in time!

We will stay home today and watch the Melbourne Cup on TV at about 2 pm our time!

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