Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Midweek News

Just after lunch the temperature here is heading towards the high 20's with 30+ expected tomorrow.  Then it drops back to mid 20's or just over again until warming up again over the weekend.  The minimum temp for the next week or so is now up to 18° overnight which is good news for the pool as the water won't cool off as much overnight.

The mower started first go today.  It was just a little job cleaning up some of the bits and pieces of reed paneling I was cutting up to put into the recycling bin.

The ceiling fans are on every day or so for around an hour just to temper things.

My new Android box has had a couple of firmware issues and all the new owners are hastily awaiting an automatic firmware update to come through.  This happened the other day with my unit.  Not only was the update unsuccessful but I also got an error message saying the system was now damaged and wireless updates would no longer work.

Being a Chinese supplier, explanations in English on how to fix the problem make interesting reading.  A quick understandable fix appeared online and I was a lucky one because the fix worked.  The box is now updated and working OK.  I tried to restore a previous Kodi setup I had backed up.  Regretfully the backup didn't work and the box didn't operate properly.

Another reinstall of Kodi this morning and I am pleased to say the unit is now working well.

It is Spring and it is spring clean up time.  The blinds along the front of the pergola (see the photo above) get dusty and require a couple of cleans (back and front) each year.  It is after jobs like this one I realize I am not as young as I used to be.

But the back yard is looking its best right now.

I also managed to put another brew on this morning (Weds) so bottle washing and a bottling will follow.

I did to get to the Chiro on Monday and I may possibly need to go again later this week. The back remains a little sore.

Arj has sent a link to some of his photos online following their recent trip to Sand Island.  You can see them here.

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