Friday, October 16, 2015

All Finished

There will be a few tiddly bits to finally sort out (like which pot plant where) but the feature wall job is done.

We bought the two panels yesterday and pinned them into place with a few screws.  We even had our former neighbour and retired house painter pop around to advise if the job needed yet another coat.  He said it all looked fine to him.

Trish even managed to get her Christmas lights up as well. The butterfly received a coat of paint and now takes pride of place in the feature wall.

We are delighted with the finished job.  We feel it really adds to the backyard and helps focus even more on the pool itself.

Gorgeous day today, mid to high 20's and even the pool is beginning to warm up.  When the older neighbour moved out he left me his mower.  It wouldn't start when I went to mow the lawn.  I am giving both it and myself a rest for 30 minutes before going out and trying again.

We have a Friday drinks on at our place later today.  It should be a nice day for it.

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