Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Damp Start To A New Day

The new Weather Station I bought in the midst of frustration with the old one arrived on Monday, was setup and running Monday night, was in pieces when the remote temperature sensor failed Tuesday morning and by late Tuesday afternoon was packed up and its box ready for return!

On a more positive scale, the Android TV box has been running at around 99% and right now I am delighted with it.

The quality sound issue remains with the Android Box but the most listening we do to is TV stuff via our wireless headphones, so the sound quality issue isn't a diabolical concern at this stage.

We are entering the 'storm' season here and have had regular overnight rain the last couple of nights with almost 1/2" on each the last few nights.  Usually it has cleared by dawn so I can bike ride OK.  This morning the showers have lingered and any bike riding is off the agenda!

The photo above shows the bottles now drying which I have rinsed prior to bottling.  The rinse is to ensure I remove all of the sanitizer which dries in the bottles during the washing process.  The bottles are a little easier to handle during bottling if dry.

The photo also shows the kind of day we have awoken to this morning and the mats we have bought to catch any oil leaks from the 'old' car we brought back from Melbourne.

It is interesting that the problems I have had with the Android Box and now the Weather Station have raised my anxiety level just a little.

Also the WDTV Media Player box has been acting up something awful as well.  I was able to backdate the firmware to an earlier version and since then it has been behaving itself nicely.  It is good to have a win at last!

We saw that terrible storm in Mexico recently and how the system petered out to be a rain depression over Texas dropping heaps of rain there.  We wonder whether Lou-ann there managed to get any of this rain as it has been incredibly dry for a few years in her part of the world.  I haven't spotted anything on her Facebook page but I don't look all that often.

Time to get back to the bottling I suppose!

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