Saturday, August 09, 2014

Saudi News

I was just sitting back beginning to watch the footy last night (Fri) and thought I might just drop Arj in Saudi Arabia a text message via "Viber".  I gave him the latest score of the footy match I was watching.

A few minutes later back came his response, it was a photo taken in their lounge room of a TV with the AFL playing!

Arj had signed himself up for a one month subscription to AFL International which allowed him to watch all the games on his new MacBook Pro.  He had then run an HDMI cable from the new laptop to his TV and "Voila!" there was the game live for him and the family to watch!

You can read more here:

We then proceeded to have a lengthy chat on the phone, via Viber.  The phone call is like Skype in that it uses the 'data' part of the line (or internet part).  The call goes via my wifi network, through the internet to Arj's wifi in Saudi Arabia.

There is no charge for these 'calls'.  Though not as perfect as a regular phone call, the calls are very, very good and at no charge.  There was a minimal delay during the chat!

After I had spoken for ten minutes or so Trish and Kate had a lengthy chat.  Kate and a few other ladies are going to an Ikea store today.  They will travel outside the compound by bus to the store about an hour away.

Friday and Saturday make up the weekend in Saudi Arabia.

Their adventure continues!

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