Friday, August 22, 2014

No Sunshine

Right now the "Sunshine Coast" is devoid of sunshine.

It was meant to be 'showers' according to the forecast but it seems more like 'rain'!  This is exactly what the area needs.  There hasn't been any decent rainfall until earlier this week from way back in May.  It will be perfect for the parks and gardens and for everyone's lawns.

We have had the odd few showers over the last few months with a wet day every now and again but not like last weekend and what we appear to be in for over the next few days.

It won't be flooding rain, just steady rain on and off over the next few days. I did get the lawn mowed yesterday, not that it is a big job.  The pool is full again and we won't have to worry about the pot plants needing a water either!

Trish is heavily involved with her "Expo".  It is not being run by the Arts Centre Association but that group does have a big display in the Expo.  I am not sure how she became involved but she is involved right up to the hilt!

I have managed to get on top of all my little jobs, the Community Association website, the Notice Board and a few other things are now all under control.

The new brew is bubbling away nicely in the garage and my next task is to have enough empty bottles for the bottling.  I only need a further 4 empty bottles to have the full complement of 30 that is required!  With the weekend approaching, and plenty of live footy on TV that shouldn't be a problem.

My footy team Geelong plays Trish's team on Saturday night.  Then they should play each other again in a fortnight as the footy finals get under way. 

It is almost certain Hawthorn will finish 2nd and my team Geelong 3rd.  My team has done very well for a team which is doing some rebuilding.  Hawthorn are quite warm favorites to play in the Grand Final.

The kids in Saudi Arabia are due to begin 'work' on Monday.  That is the beginning of the new school year for that part of the world. Most likely the staff will go back Sunday and the kids on Monday.  A Saudi weekend is Friday and Saturday!

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