Sunday, September 29, 2013

Kate, Arj and Grandkids Head Home

The kids were packed and on their way by 9a.m. this morning.  Trish was back from dropping them off at Maroochydore Airport a few hours later.  By this time (late Sunday afternoon) they are back in Melbourne and at their home, such is the air service we have available to us here.

I have again topped the pool up to a reasonable level, certainly higher than when James and Charli were doing their best to empty it!  They had a real ball with the pool.  I can recall around 4 times on Saturday when they went into the pool.  And during much of Saturday, we were all camped around the TV watching the AFL Grand Final.

Trish is delighted with the result of course!  Beefy Pies for lunch was a brilliant idea.

After the footy concluded there was time for one last trip to the wonderful "Big Park" a few minutes walk from our home.  The kids just love this place as do many others who visit the park from all over Caloundra and surrounds.

Possibly the biggest job after their departure was cleaning the floors.  A 5 year old still wringing wet with pool water but needing to get to the toilet or that toy they forgot, is not recommended for tiled floors.  We had held off giving the floors a good steam clean as we knew the grandkids were coming to stay.

Steam cleaning tile floors when the temperature is high 20's and humidity is high 60's is not recommended!  It can lead to dehydration!  At least it can lead to a cool swim in the pool when the job is at last completed!

But they are again home in Melbourne and I am sure looking forward to a relaxing final week to the school holidays. Both Trish and I will miss our early morning cuddle from Charli and James when they joined us in our bed around 6a.m. whether we wanted them to or not!

Meanwhile we will get several good nights' sleep and recover from what was a great time for everyone involved!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Mobile Phone Update

Former Kogan phone users received an offer recently from a company called "Telechoice".  Telechoice used to have stores across the country but many of these closed as the company changed its direction.

Nowadays it is a Telstra network seller of cheaper mobile phone plans.

Its coverage is the same as offered to us by Kogan or Aldi and covered around 98% of the full Telstra network.  It also did not include 4G which is usually only available in the capital cities.

Today I swapped from my 'interim' provider Boost to Telechoice as my 'Boost month' was due to be up early next week.  Now I get around 10 hours of calls ($650) and 1.5GB of Data for $25 per month on a 12 month plan.  I used quite a bit of data (for me) when we were in Melbourne recently and even then it was less than 500mb!

This new plan should be perfect for me and is $15 per month cheaper than when I was with Boost Mobile.  Trish will also move to this plan sometime next week. Details of what plans are available can be seen HERE.

This is the second Blogger post today.

Read below for our other news.

A Busy Week

It has been very busy for us entertaining Kate, Arj and family.  They arrived at our home around midday on Tuesday.  They had a 'hire car' so drove themselves up from Brisbane where they had been staying.

The pool has been a major success for the kids.  The weather has been spectacular, warm and sunny, but the pool is still struggling to warm up despite the constant use.

Sometimes you would wonder if there was more water in the pool than out of it.

But the kids have loved it and mum and dad enjoyed the odd swim as well.

There was another morning when we headed to the beach.  Being holiday time however the beach was a popular spot.  Car parking was at a premium.  But everyone enjoyed getting out in the warm sunshine.

We also have the new playground over at Bells Reach which is a major feature of the new estate there.  It is a sensational spot for kids.  Not a day goes by without an hour or two at the "Big Park".

Then there are the other kids who live round about us in our street. This has been another source of entertainment for our two grandkids.

They have had a great time which has been helped by weather in the low 30's each day.  A cool change came through this morning so it should only get to 28 today!

BBQ's have been then order of the day when it comes to eating!

Though yesterday we all went to Headland Golf Club along with friends Kerrie and Ian.  The food was great and well priced, the view from our table was spectacular!

This morning they are off to "Aussie World" which is a water fun park nearby.  It isn't in the same class as the theme parks on the Gold Coast but the queues are much shorter and the costs a lot less.  For two small kids, it is perfect!

Drinks this afternoon is at our place and may be a smaller than usual affair.  Being holiday time, John and Margaret are entertaining family as well.

Tomorrow is the footy grand final so all eyes will be glued to the TV.  Hot pies, hot dogs and cleansing ales will be the order of the day!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

A "Mixed" Weekend

My footy team was defeated by Trish's team on Friday night.  It was not entirely unexpected, Geelong had won the last 11 games straight.  The problem of playing last week while Hawthorn had the week off was plain to see as the Hawks caught and passed our score to win by 5 points.

We have a football-less day now it is Sunday.  But I see where cricket begins on TV next Sunday with the One -Day Domestic Series.

Drinks were so good Friday afternoon I spent much of Saturday in "Recovery Mode".  Kate Arj and family are currently in Brisbane where 6 students in the school's Gymnastics Team are competing today.  They will farewell the students back to Victoria tomorrow before heading up here to spend time with us.  They fly home on Sunday.

It was my first week back at Computer Club for over two weeks.  I was told that I was missed.  One guy had an interesting problem, his laptop kept on telling him his hard drive was 'full' but when you added up the total numbers of folders on his computer he should have had 350GB still to go.

The resident computer pro says it is most likely a virus which has filled the rest of the drive.  The chap was to go home, start his laptop in "Safe Mode' and do a complete anti-virus scan of it.

I have been tidying up the pool.  After 4 months of non-use the pool walls require sweeping, the light and inlets/outlets need a scrub up and other smaller jobs need to be done.  Sometimes small things fall into the pool and 'attach' themselves to the pool floor, steps or walls.  A quick rub with wet n' dry sand paper soon clears them.

There is a build up of mould on the blinds around the patio.  A spray with 10% bleach to water and then a strong hose down cleans this up fairly quickly.  I even used some left over bleach/water mix on an area of the side footpath.  Can you guess which area I have done?

The brew is bubbling away in the garage so I will wash bottles was tomorrow.

The weather has cooled a little with today's tops in the high 20's rather than the low 30's.  We also now have wind blowing from the west so the humidity level is down.

Temps in the low 30's should return Wednesday.

Trish has convinced the Arts Centre Association to have the website she created for them upgraded professionally.  It has just gone online and you can check it out here.  The website is in "Wordpress" and can now be updated etc by anyone who has the login information.  It all happens 'online' so expensive software isn't required.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Almost $1000!

The photo shows the new blind which was installed yesterday afternoon.  It is on the western side of the new shelter and should block out most of the afternoon sun from streaming in.  It will increase the shade availabe remarkably!

Also in the photo is the pool pump cover.  Inside the cover is the 'chlorinator' which is now 8 years old.  The guy at the pool shop checked it all over yesterday and his description of the electrode's condition was "It is knackered!"  He had previously quoted me almost $500 for a replacement.  If the major part of the chlorinator was also a problem it would be a total for a new unit of $1000 to replace.

He managed a new electrode for me at less than $400.  That works out at around $1 per week over 8 years!  By the time you add the cost of electricity to run the chlorinator it would be around $1 per day.  Each week chlorine for the pool via the chlorinator costs around $8.  To purchase 20 litres of chlorine per week works out at almost $20 per week.

The new blind and replacing the chlorinator electrode set us back almost $1,000!

Most surprisingly I was able to remove and replace the electrode myself.  I did break a small plastic piece when removing it.  The electrode had swollen a little with wear and wouldn't slip out easily.  But all is working fine again, heaps of chlorine is being produced and all should be fine.

It is in the low 30's outside right now (just before lunch) in our enclosed back yard.  It should be cooler over the weekend but just perfect when Kate, Arj and family arrive on Tuesday.

I did around 13k's on my bike ride this morning.

As the photo shows we have a few magpies keeping a special eye out for old blokes on bikes!

But the cable ties made quite a difference between my experience yesterday before the cable ties and today after the cable ties. Though swooped again, this morning they kept their distance.
After my ride I  put a brew on.  It will be ready to bottle late next week when the grand kids are here.  They made a special request to help me with my beer!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Be It Ever So Humble

We are home now, back in our own bed and able to enjoy my home brew again.  Gee it is good!

We drove to Kim's to spend Sunday and Monday there.  Kim has a 'new' place she recently bought right near the main shopping street of St Kilda.  It is in a magnificent position and was a good investment for her. We were flying home early Tuesday morning so this gave us some valuable time with her.

Chris, Wendy and the two kids Andrew and Emily popped over for a BBQ lunch and a look around St Kilda that afternoon.  The day was exceptional with a warm 22 degrees.  We walked to the beach and had a great time all together. Click on the photo for a larger view.

On Monday Kim was off to work early leaving us to our own devices.  Unfortunately the weather turned very wet and much cooler.  We got out for a spell in the morning but the afternoon was spent quietly watching the rain fall.  My brother Geoff popped up from "Indented Head"and spent some time with us late in the afternoon.

A lovely Malaysian meal that evening was enjoyed by all.

Our plane was due to depart Tullamarine at 8:10 am Tuesday.  We made an early start and arrived in time.  However the departure time had been changed to 8 am, fortunately we made it OK.  With renovations going on at the airport, we had to be bussed to our plane.  Thus the earlier than expected departure time!

There were lots of kids on the plane as we near school holidays.  It probably wasn't our best plane trip ever!

The pool has now been cleaned and new chemicals administered.  The new blind for the shelter goes up early this afternoon.  I was swooped by a magpie on my 12k bike ride this morning and the swim in the pool afterwards was quick.

We may have a problem with the pool's 'chlorinator'.  It indicates the pool needs salt when yesterday's testing showed the salt level was fine.  This could mean we need a new 'electrode' which is another $480.  I will take it all apart later today and take it to the Pool Shop for testing.

Our pool is is 8 years old this winter just gone so the electrode has done us very well.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Time For A Change

This morning we depart Kate's to spend a couple of days with Kim prior to winging our way home Tuesday morning.

Our Vietnamese meal on Thursday in Springvale was great as usual.  Needless to say we ate too much but Gee it was nice food. As we left the restaurant around 8:30 the weather was absolutely bitter, even the locals were complaining about the cold weather.

Earlier in the day we had a good look around as usual.  It is just like stepping into a city in Asia when you visit this place, only a heck of a lot cooler!

On Friday I got to the MCG and saw my team have a win.  Again it was a come from behind victory.  They played poorly in the first half but much improved in the second.  The first half was not good for my stress level!  The game began at 7:50pm and I wasn't home until just before midnight.  It makes for a long day .  Forecast rain did not eventuate.

On Saturday evening we caught up with good friends June and Keith.  Russell and Irene traveled down from Drouin to join us and we all had a great time catching up and having probably too many drinks.

But it was all great fun reliving times together over the last 30 years or so.

The ladies in particular had a great time.  There was laughter aplenty and the night was enjoyed by all.  Getting home again around midnight was a trial.  I am not moving at 100% this morning Sunday as I type.

Today we head to Kim's in St Kilda where we will stay a couple of nights.  Chris, Wendy, Andrew and Emily are visiting as well.  This is our only chance to catch up with them this trip down.  As I have said before, Wendy's mum and Dad are with them at the moment, she is recuperating from surgery.

There is a chance I will catch up with my brother tomorrow.

The weather is a little milder today so it should be OK.  However the forecast of high 20's back at home makes returning there Tuesday morning fairly attractive.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Warm It Isn't!

The sky looks great down here in Victoria.  But you don't let looks fool you, here it is "12 degrees but feels like 7.5".  And it is quite cool outside.

On the Sunshine Coast currently it is around 28 degrees!

Click on either photo for a larger view.

News is limited.  We have been keeping an eye on our grand daughter Charli.  She is about 8 years of age and has been appearing each of the three nights of the school "Production".  She arrives home each of the last three nights at around 10:30 pm, well and truly ready for bed!

She wakes later than usual and spends the rest of the day at home being looked after by 'us'.  But now the Production is all over for 2013 and things will be back to some normality tomorrow.  Charli did go to school for a couple of hours after lunch yesterday which allowed us to catch up with friends Pat and Graeme.

They have recently shifted into "Woodlands", a 'gated community for over 55's' here in Berwick.  The lawns and expenses of maintaining a 4 bedroom house were getting too much for them and this is a great answer for them.

Everything in their home is new, they have enough space for their needs and they are very happy there.  This is the view out the back of their place.

Trish just took the photo with her $50 phone when she was showing Pat how it worked.  The photo is OK for the Blog!

This morning along with Charli, we popped in to catch up with David and Carol as well.

With things returning to normal tomorrow we will again be on our own.  The forecast for tomorrow is "Periods of rain" so if it is at all wet I will not be heading into the footy Friday night but watching it here on TV.  The prospect of driving some of the way home on Friday after the game at 11pm in wet, cold and dark conditions does nothing for me!

We are out for Vietnamese tonight with Kim.  We are really looking forward to that!  The food will be excellent, tasty and inexpensive.   On Saturday we are catching up with Keith and June for an evening meal and a spot in front of their TV for the second footy match of this weekend.  We are looking forward to that.

On Sunday morning we will leave Kate and Arj's home and head to St Kilda and stay with Kim for our last two nights prior to returning home on Tuesday.  Chris, Wendy and family will pop across as well on Sunday so we can spend some time with them. Currently they are looking after Wendy's mum who is recuperating from recent surgery.

Finally we will have a quiet Monday walking around St Kilda before flying out of Melbourne at 8:10 am Tuesday morning. We arrive back at Maroochydore around 10:30 am.

We may even get a swim in that afternoon, you never know!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Baby Sitting

Arj put in a 14 hour day yesterday as he is in charge of the School "Production".  He was a tired lad after a long day's work when he eventually arrived home about 11 pm Monday night.

For me it was a very quiet day on Monday.  Trish had heaps of loose ends to tie up, the sort of thing when you say "I must do that when I get down to Melbourne". 

We made our way down to the Arts Centre at Frankston to see the kids performing on stage Monday evening.  It was a well oiled display with things working out pretty well.  We saw both Charli and James.  Kate was busy looking after her grade and the act they had to perform on stage at the end of the night.  Arj was flat out as expected.

I think both Charli and James were asleep seconds after their heads hit the pillows.  It was around 11 pm when they eventually arrived back home.  They had been so excited.  We guess they were awake with excitement well before 6 am Monday morning!

Kate and Arj headed back to work this morning (Tuesday) a little later than usual and Trish and I had the kids at home.  They found plenty of stuff to do as the photo shows.

We will look after James tonight as Charli is involved in all three nights of the "Production". James only performance was the first night.

We will be sitting down to watch some of our TV shows we like tonight.  I brought my hard disk drive full of movies with me and the TV here plays them perfectly!  We suspect James will be asleep fairly early tonight.  He is off to school tomorrow so we will just have Charli.

Wednesday will see us head to Fountain Gate Shopping Centre in the morning and then catching up with friends Pat and Graeme during the afternoon.

Even more baby sitting is on the agenda for Thursday but we expect to catch up with Kim later in the day for tea in Springvale.

Monday, September 09, 2013

Back In Berwick

Our overnight stay with Kim in St Kilda was a lot of fun despite the footy being less than desired!  Geelong was highly favoured to win the game but went down by several goals. At least I now get to see them play this Friday night.  Finishing second gives them a second chance.

The first job upon arrival at Kim's unit was to replace the 'neck' on the TV stand.  It broke some time ago leaving the TV to sit on the broken neck and be propped up!  A friend of Kim's (Dave) was a lot younger than me so he did all the spade work.  We had to work out how it all went together which we did eventually. The TV looks a lot better now.

As I said above the footy was less than sensational that afternoon on TV.  We managed several quiet ales and glasses of wine as we watched the game unfold.

A quick walk down the street after the footy to Coles saw us buy meat for a BBQ tea.  Then a few more drinks and we settled in to watch the Collingwood Port Adelaide match.  This was another turn up for the books with Port Adelaide getting up to win by 4 goals.

There was a very noisy party going on downstairs.  Once I removed my hearing aids it improved markedly for me when trying to get to sleep.  A visit from the local police turned the loud noise totally off just after midnight.  When you live in a unit like Kim does, the behaviour of your neighbours around you is important.

We awoke Sunday morning for a shower, breakie and for me to get ready to attend another footy match at the MCG, this time Richmond vs Carlton.  I saw on TV that the match was due to start at 2:20 but this information was incorrect.  I therefore had planned to get to the ground around midday for the 2:20 start.

When I arrived at the ground well before midday, there was a huge queue as you can see in the photo above.  The match was starting at 3:20 and the ground wouldn't be opened till 12:30.

I was glad I was there so early.  After the queue started to move at 12:30, I got into the ground and a a perfect seat in my perfect spot. I was in the back row and with a large screen TV just above my eyeline for replays!

The queue moved extremely quickly and despite being 100 metres back it only took around 5 minutes to get in. Click on the photos for a larger view.

All the lining up and time spent waiting was worth it.  I grabbed some lunch and a cold beer to wash it down.  Later I found quiet place to sit in an arm chair and then eventually I got back to my seat around 2 pm for a good chat with those around me.

It was a great game with the third underdog team for weekend getting up to win.  The crowd of 95,000 went ballistic as the teams entered the ground and the noise level remained constant throughout the day.

Needless to say my train home was punctured by a stop at Clayton and our favorite restaurant.  Trish drove in from Berwick (she had attended a piano recital where our grand daughter Charli was performing). The Char Koay Teow, the Roti and Coconut Rice were magnificent, the Beef Rendang OK.

After we got back to Kate's I was so tired.  Eventually I slept for 8.5 hours, a first for me for a couple of years! Tonight we are off to the school "Production" in which both Kate and Arj are heavily involved.

With Kate and Arj being out all the three nights of the production and Charli being heavily involved, Trish and I will be baby-sitting as required.  The kids will be exhausted and only attending school on parts of the next few days. James is only on-stage tonight so he will be exhausted tomorrow and will probably stay home from school.

Saturday, September 07, 2013

All Sorted At Last

It has taken almost a week but our porting problem from Kogan to Boost has at last been sorted. The saga is set out below.

There were errors made by both Boost and ourselves when trying to port Trish's number from Kogan to Boost last weekend (Saturday). The error I made when we were attempting to activate the port was I supplied incorrect details, I used Trish's details rather than mine. For some strange reason my Trish's mobile number is in my name.

We corrected these 'ownership details' in a phone call to Boost on Monday.

Then Boost assigned the wrong person's name to our new Boost sim card. Boost evidently ported our number but did not assign it to any sim card on Monday. This caused our service to be disconnected while the number was held in "quarantine".

Eventually this was all sorted on Thursday and we were told to buy a new Boost sim card ($2) and activate it by phone. When trying to activate the new sim card the Boost person doing it was unable to port our number across from Kogan as Kogan no longer had the number and the phone number was disconnected.

Boost cannot port numbers from another carrier when the number has been disconnected.

The Boost operator did not check details closely and did not see our number was already ported to Boost but had been 'quarantined'. Because the number couldn't be ported we were assigned a new number.

On the Boost system the status "quarantined" can mean various things but most commonly it means a port is in progress.

Eventually (after several more 1 hour phone calls) an operator did note the quarantined status of our number and decided to check it with a Case Manager. When checking all became clear. They were waiting for the serial of the new sim which was in our name.

Our former Kogan number (0409948604) was then assigned to the new sim and at around 6 pm last night it was working fine.

I am not sure who was more patient, ourselves or the many Boost operators with whom I spoke!

I saw my first live AFL match for 2013 last night when I went to the MCG to watch Hawthorn vs Sydney.  I miscalculated my arival time so I was forced to find a spot other than my preferred spot to watch the game.

The game is much faster live than on TV.  The bumps also seem much harder live.  The precision kicking of players was just amazing.

It was a huge thrill to be there despite the very low teens temperature.  Getting home at 11:30pm isn't much chop for an old bloke either!

Friday, September 06, 2013

Phone Hassles Escalate

We have improved the phone situation a little but the problem isn't fully solved.  Trish has her phone up and running now but it is highly likely she has 'lost' her mobile number. We have one last hope and the guy was due to ring back at 1pm today for a final try.  It is now 3:15 and we haven't had the return call.

It appears you cannot 'port' a number if that number has been disconnected.  Trish's phone was meant to be disconnected today, 7 days after her second Telstra SMS message. Her phone was disconnected on Monday!  Telstra/Boost believe it was Kogan which disconnected it, we believe it was more likely Boost as they attempted a 'work around'.

So right now don't bother ringing Trish on 0409948604 because you will be told it is disconnected.  She can take a call on 0487769293 at the moment.  We were requested to get a third SIM card today for the final attempt.  If that doesn't work her mobile number may finish up be 0455331169 (but only if we ever get that call due at 1 pm today).

What a mess!  Fortunately my phone is working perfectly!

We are in Melbourne and it is cold.  I have 3 layers of heavy clothing on and another two layers to climb into prior to heading to the MCG tonight for Hawthorn V Sydney.  Tomorrow's two games will be enjoyed in front of the TV at Kim's place.  I expect to rug up again on Sunday afternoon for Richmond vs Carlton when I again head into the MCG.

We have extensive baby sitting to do Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings as both Kate and Arj are heavily involved with the School "production".  I may have thawed out by then though!

Right now it is around 10 degrees and it is mid afternoon!

I have just received an email from Kogan saying Trish's number is safe for the next 180 days!  Another email indicates my refund from Kogan has been processed and is due back in our account in the next week or so!

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Last Dash For The Post

The closer we get to heading down south (we fly out tomorrow morning) the more hectic things get.  Trish is busy with her final meeting of Stitchers today, I had my monthly meeting for the Community Association on Monday evening which meant some time spent bringing the website up to date on Tuesday.

Friends Ian and Kerrie are just back from their trip overseas and wanted to catch us before we headed off, so we had drinks last evening.  Feeling reasonable this morning but not 100% I must admit.

Victoria and Tasmanian Cricket teams are visiting the coast playing a series of matches between themselves preparing for the 2013/14 season and I do enjoy getting to see some of it.

I did this yesterday at Maroochydore up until around 2 pm.  The sun was out but we have blustery cool southerly winds.  This made for a "is 24 degrees but feels like 18" sort of a day.  It was cold out of the sun, a lot warmer in the sun but then you became susceptible to sun burn.  But I enjoyed the day very much.

Trish still hasn't had any joy with getting her phone up and running.  We will now wait until we are in Melbourne.  I still can't get a sim card from Aldi here, none are available at our nearby store.  She will ring Boost this morning and see if there is any update.

The light in the garage that comes on when you open or close the door has stopped working.  We need a new globe but that might have to wait until our return.

The pool is currently being topped up from the tap.  We actually scored two mls of rain last night, the first rainfall for 5 weeks.  Dry conditions are forecast well into next week for this part of the world. The pot plants have just been watered and Trish is booked in for a haircut this afternoon!

We must be going away.

It appears I will get to the footy on Friday night and Sunday afternoon.  I will most likely watch my team play when I am at Kim's place on TV Saturday afternoon.  We will then watch the other game later Saturday evening at her place on TV as well.

Monday, September 02, 2013

Phone Hassles

It appears the reason why Trish's mobile phone is still not connected is my doing.  When we moved here and had everything put on Telstra's "One Bill".  That meant that I took 'ownership' of Trish's mobile number as well as my own as I was the account holder.

When we went to port Trish's mobile phone number over from Telstra to Kogan she had to use my details.  This has remained the case when she has wanted to port her current mobile number from Kogan to Boost Mobile.

So when we went through the online sign up on Saturday for the Boost move we should have used my name, my date of birth, driver's licence etc. Then we should have used Trish's email for all notifications. We incorrectly used all Trish's details, therefore the phone number and ownership details of that phone number don't add up!

For all intents and purposes I own both Trish's and my own mobile numbers.

All confusing isn't it?

The people at Boost are trying a work around now so hopefully it can be sorted soon.

I did my 12 or so k's early today but with a heavily overcast sky and the hint of drizzle as swim wasn't on the cards.

Sunday, September 01, 2013

From My Phone

I have discovered there is a phone app for Blogger which allows me to add posts from my phone. All very nifty.

Some time ago we bought a Dyson 'stick' vacuum cleaner. The power trigger on it was always sticking, working most times but not always. We had heard the warranty from Dyson was slow.

You had to post it off and eventually get it back possibly months later. 

Nothing could be further from the truth. We packed it in a box and sent it postage pre paid.  We got it back all repaired just over a week later and working perfectly.

Now 4pm and no update on Trish's phone! 

Not a happy camper.

Welcome To Spring

Spring is upon us.  Still no rain for the last month.  Winter has been described as the 4th warmest on record.  I reckon our heater went on once and that was during a cold miserable afternoon around 4 pm.  After the place warmed up we turned it off again an hour later!

Right now both phones are working but only mine is fully working!  Trish received her second email saying in 7 days her phone would be turned off.  She had minimal calls and no data for the next 7 days.  She can receive calls OK but cannot make extended calls.  We jumped online at midday Saturday to connect her to the Telstra service "Boost" and 50 minutes later we were told all was good and was underway.  24 hours later and Trish still isn't connected.

I rang them this morning and the answer I got was it can take another 24 hours.

I decided to get my phone swapping over done earlier than planned, especially if it could take up to 48 hours!  I was online soon after 11 am on Sunday and up and fully running on the new network 30 minutes later!  So my phone is all OK and we expect Trish's phone to be up and running tomorrow.

I bottled my latest home brew this morning and then did a shorter than usual bike ride.  The weather remains delightful and surprisingly warm.  I was a little hot and bothered when I completed my ride and the pool looked so inviting.

Despite the water temp being 19.5 I decided on a quick swim.  Quick was the operative word.  I did a few laps of the pool and rinsed out my bike riding gear to hang on the line.

The pool wasn't too bad at all!

We are watching footy at the moment on TV.  Both our teams won though not over convincingly over the weekend.  We have the finals next week and we will be in Melbourne for that!

We are beginning to look forward to it.