Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Rain Clears ..... Finally!

At last we have some brighter weather without the rain.  Just over 200mls has fallen in this last episode, that is another 8" of rain in the old scale. So far the total for 2013 is over 900mls, or 36".

Again our little house escaped unscathed, no damage and all the water gets away as planned.  Actually since we have added the drain to the new concrete area, storm water now gets away about the best it ever has from our little spot here on the Sunshine Coast.

Yesterday we finished up having lunch at the local Bellvista Tavern.  The meal was OK and there was heaps of it.  Both Trish and I had the Chicken Schnitzel along with a "Parma Topping" and pepper or mushroom sauces.  I had a beer and Trish enjoyed a wine.  When we eat this way at the local Tavern it all goes on a "Tab" and you pay via credit card at the end of the meal.

Leftover roast chicken in bread rolls was more than enough for tea last night.

We watched 'Silver Linings Playbook' last night where Jennifer Lawrence won the Best Actress at the Academy Awards.  It was a great story and she was excellent in the movie.  Jackie Weaver was in it as well.

Trish headed off to Stitchers this morning (Weds) and left me to do some bottle washing for my next home brew bottling.  I wanted get the bottles dry because there was a little sunshine about outside.  Unfortunately when filling the laundry trough with warm water I couldn't turn the hot water tap off.  Warm water continued to run from the tap.

I managed to turn the hot water off at the hot water service.  However I had to get the tap fixed so I rang the plumber guy I do movies for.  Then I rang St Andrews Care to get them to pay for his labour.  He should get around later this morning and fix it.  Hopefully the tap only requires a replacement spindle and should be straight forward enough to fix.

I had to turn the water back on again for my shower and then off again after I finished!

I managed to get the bottle washing done OK.  I bought even more bottles and another mix of the Black Ale I like yesterday when Trish and I were in Caloundra.

I also had a chat with the guy in the Home Brew Shop about sanitizing the bottles.

Nowadays most home brewers mix up a litre or so of the sanitizer into a spray bottle and then give each bottle a good spray and a whisk around with the sanitizer.

The sanitizer is such that it doesn't require a quick rinse afterwards.

So right now all is out in the backyard drying slowly!  I will probably bottle around Saturday!

This afternoon I have the Final of the Ryobi Cricket One Day Cup being played at the MCG between Victoria and Queensland.  The forecast for Melbourne doesn't look too good so I am not sure how much cricket there will be.

Click on the photos for a larger view.

Update:  Terry the Plumber just called in and all is now fixed!

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