Saturday, February 23, 2013

All Is Quiet

It is Saturday morning and things continue relatively quietly.  We did venture to the RSL with friends Kerrie and Ian on Wednesday night.  For your birthday the RSL gives free meal, a free drink and free cash for the pokies.  Kerrie also has a February Birthday so we all set off to use up our freebies.  A great night was followed by a quiet and sombre Thursday.

The hot weather has left us and now daily tops are around 30 degrees and around 20 degrees overnight.  This has made a dramatic effect on the pool temperature as well.  The temp is around 22 degrees in there most mornings.

So far this year we have had around 30" of rain which is enough to half fill the pool!  The excess water (and salt) drains away into the street.  Therefore the chlorinator was telling me to toss another bag of salt in on Friday to replenish the salt level.  A bag of salt costs around $8.

I felt my hearing aid wasn't working properly so I popped into my Audio Clinic to have it all tested and adjusted on Friday.  When I jumped back in the car to drive back home I dropped the volume back on the car radio!

Lots of cricket and footy on TV at the moment so plenty to keep me occupied.

We have a casserole night on tonight in lieu of our Friday drinks yesterday.  It should be lots of fun!

Time to head off to Computer Club!

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