Monday, February 25, 2013

More Rain

The rain commenced overnight.  By 7:30 this morning we had 51mls in the gauge and it continues to rain down outside.  The pool overflow is taking the excess water away from the pool and the new concrete area and the drain we had put in continues to work very well.  The sky is grey and the rain continues to tumble down.

We have been told to expect around 200mls in this lot with perhaps another system to again bring rain later in the week.

Needless to say it isn't cold and I have the ceiling fan whirring above me as I type.  As you could probably guess it is quite humid with all this rainfall.

The picture (click on it for a larger view) shows that poor old Caloundra is right in the middle of it all.

Trish has an Arts Centre Association Meeting this afternoon while I will watch the cricket again from India.  Our team sure has a fight on its hands to stay in this match.  My remote control finger is recovering slowly from a battering it received yesterday switching between NAB Cup AFL matches and the Test Match in Chennai.

I have a BeCA Public Meeting to chair next Monday.

It looks like today will be spent inside again.  I managed to get a brew on yesterday but the next task will be to find some fine weather to get the refill bottles dry after I wash them. I still need another 5 empty bottles so I have the full quota required for a bottling.  I don't foresee this as a huge problem to solve.

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