Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Time For An Update

The weather has been much kinder the last couple of mornings which has enabled me to get back on my bike. I only rode around 8k's yesterday but I managed the full 12k's this morning. I continue to have a sniffly head cold and break into a coughing fit from time to time.

This morning I was the best I had been for some time so the bike ride was enjoyable as well. I even enjoyed my swim afterwards. With all the rain and cooler temps the pool temperature is close to 24 or 25 degrees so not quite as inviting as in mid summer.

Yesterday I did some work on the Community Association website, bottled another brew and then delivered my 110 Community Association Newsletters.

I noticed a photo I took the other day (Friday's pool photo - see below) was way out of focus. I took a couple of others as well and they were no better. I noticed a red !AF on the camera screen which I checked out in the manual when I had a chance. It said the light was so bad that Automatic Focus couldn't work. However the days on which I was taking a shot weren't that dark.

I found that if I manually panned in on the subject, then panned back I could take a shot which was in focus and there was no red !AF sign. The camera I use for everyday shots gets a bit of a hiding as far as use is concerned so I reckon it may be time to swap it over. Trish and I were both going to keep our eyes open for a sub $100 camera to buy for these everyday shots.

The internet was my friend and Harvey Norman had a lower end Canon camera (Ixus 115HS) for $98 'online'. The regular store price was $148. I am now the owner of one and the photo here shows the new sub $100 camera while the battery charges.

The photo below left is the 'first shot' taken with the new camera! As you can see today was a sunny day with a max around the mid 20's.

We are going to try a 'new' Chinese restaurant we have had recommended to us this evening. I guess it is BYO but we will find out when we get there.

I had some bad news today regarding a cricket mate of mine who now lives up here named Fred Pereira. It seems Fred has been ill and booked himself into Nambour Hospital. He eventually got around to telling his daughters a couple of days later. I was due to drive Fred to the airport next Monday but I was advised today he will be too sick to travel and that his illness may be terminal. Not good news at all.

I had some of my online purchases arrives today. One was a good quality 1m HDMI lead for under $5 delivered, the other was a pair of nail scissors with 'long' handles. I have never been able to touch my toes and as I get older bending is not a strong point. Nowadays, cutting one's toenails requires all sorts of tricks, contortions and pain! The long handled nail scissors do the trick, $8-50 delivered from the UK. They work very well! They are great.

I am still waiting on 3 wireless PC mice. They are from the USA and cost US$4-95 each! They are due next week!

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