Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Few Very Light Showers

The humidity has remained lower than what would normally be expected for this time of year and the temp is in the high 20's, all in all just glorious. We had around 6 mls in the rain gauge this morning but I did get an abbreviated ride in after the roads dried out a little.

I have been passing on some movies and helping people out with their PC stuff recently. So far I have been given 4 home brew cans so it looks like my supply will be OK for the next couple of months.

I returned to the elderly lady's place yesterday to sort out her internet package with Bigpond. As she is an older lady they were quite lenient with her and now she has moved to 5GB per month, had her speed lifted from 1500 to 8000 and is not on a contract. The new plan was to be available to her first thing this morning and, as I haven't received a phone call, I am guessing all is OK.

Not a lot of news, just the everyday business of enjoying our lifestyle here. Things like mowing the lawn and general tidying up with a trip to the tip is keeping us on the 'go'.

We are watching the TV series "Homeland" at the moment and we are both enjoying it enormously. We plan to watch the last 4 episodes to end series 1 tonight and can't wait. We both agree it is easily one of the very best things we have watched on TV for some time.

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