Thursday, March 22, 2012

Another 6"

It is late in the afternoon on Thursday and so far today we have had 4" (100mls) of rain. This morning I tipped over 2" (50mls) out of the gauge. And we have more to come. So far this year we have had almost 1500mls or 60 inches in the old scale. Our yearly 'average' is around 1550mls! It has been extremely wet as this soggy photo shows. The rain is expected to clear for a fine and sunny weekend.

It has been wet over a few hours so the rain does have time to get away. The last couple of hours have seen 3" fall and things are beginning to struggle to keep up. The pool is filling slowly.

Our friends from Melbourne Carol and David arrived a little later than they had first expected on Tuesday. It was after 4pm when they drove up our drive. But we had a great chat, a quiet beer (as David had to drive) and caught up with the gossip. We did introduce them to a TV Comedy called Mrs Brown's Boys which is the funniest thing I have seen on TV for quite a while. I burnt a DVD copy of the two series for them.

For our evening meal we tried the new Bellvista Tavern. It was a wonderful success. It was a 2 for $25 night and the food was just great. I may have preferred a larger serving but I wasn't hungry when we left. They headed off fo the Gold Coast around 8:15pm.

An elderly neighbour had shown his media player off to another chap. Well he wanted one! They were $115 for the latest model so the neighbour bought him one, a 500GB hard drive and I had a $5 HDMI cable. We copied a heap of movies and TV series (including Mrs Brown's Boys) onto the drive and headed around to their home to set it all up. I was a bit worried because the latest model searches for an internet connection and my neighbour had said they didn't have one. I took my spare older model media player with me just in case.

I was right. During the setup the new box searched unsuccessfully for an internet connection, stopped and rebooted back into Setup again. I set up my 6 month old version (Generation 2) of the media player so at least they could watch movies. The guy was so impressed he said he would rather have my older model and I could keep the new one.

They were delighted and I had a brand new latest model WD TV Live Streaming media Player! It is running beautifully on Trish's 32" TV in her sewing room. It is so clever it can even read and play movies off the hard drive attached to the media player on the 'big' TV which is in another room. It does it all via the wireless network we have for access to the internet.

Last night we headed to the RSL with friends for a "Rolling Stonez" show. We all had a wonderful time, lots of laughs and were really well behaved. By the time I hit the bed around 11:15 pm I was ready to sleep after a big day!

Trish usually sets off for Trivia tonight but the weather outside isn't safe for any unnecessary driving so she will be staying home instead.

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