Sunday, February 12, 2012

Halfway Through The Last Month Of Summer

The summer has been humid when compared to others. On my little thermometer in the backyard we have been getting to around 33 degrees the last couple of days (I think this is probably a couple of degrees above what the actual temperature is) and humidity into the mid 60's. We continue to get the summer sea breeze which usually comes in from the north east around 1pm or 2 pm and drops the temperature by several degrees.

We are noticing that sunrise is now around 5:30 am compared to 4:45 am. It is getting dark around 6:15 pm, all signs that summer is on its way out again for another year.

I rode again this morning and got back to a 27.5 degree pool. It was wonderful. Everyone was away on Friday so Trish and I had drinks watching the one day cricket match from Perth on our own.

I had computer club yesterday and was again helping out with email problems, giving very basic advice on smart phones, helping two different ladies connect their laptops to the internet via their wireless dongles and helping another copy paste from Excel into Word.

There was a celebration for the first blocks sold in the new estate (Bells Reach) by the developer Stockland yesterday. As the president of BeCA I was invited to attend. I caught up with some of the heavies and it seems we may be able to do something on road signage to assist visitors to the estate to find their way out! This estate is a real rabbit warren and difficult to navigate for the new visitor.

It is now a week since the phone connection was repaired and all seems to be going well.

Last night we watched "J Edgar", Clint Eastwood's movie about J Edgar Hoover. It is a long movie but it was an interesting story. Not heaps of action but still quite interesting for those of us who didn't know a lot about the man.

Then we watched another movie called "Tower Heist" which had some good actors in it. After it finished we decided it was a waste of time to watch.

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