Friday, February 24, 2012

Cooler and Much Wetter

Tuesday morning was probably some of the worst weather we have experienced since moving to Queensland over 10 years ago. It was overcast, hot and extremely humid. It didn't matter what you did, you still felt uncomfortably hot, sticky and lethargic. Then soon after lunch the rain started and really hasn't stopped since.

Even when the rain first started it was till hot outside. We had the air conditioner going with heavy showers of rain going on all about us. Since then we have had over 140 mls with up to 200 mls more forecast in the next 36 hours. And it has gone from Hot, Hot, Hot to Cool, Cool, Cool!

Trish checked my rear bike tyre out after the problems I had with the front one. It too was bulging in places so it was up for replacement. I grabbed an old tyre off one of the other bikes here but I managed to pinch and puncture the tube while putting it on. It is a rear tyre this time and so much harder to get at. The local bike store wanted to charge me $25 for new tyre while K-Mart would do one for $10. Guess which one I bought?

I repaired the puncture and after some problems put the new tyre on the rear rim. Wouldn't you guess it, I had pinched and punctured the tube again! I wasn't happy. However third time lucky and now all has been restored again to prime working condition.

All I need to happen now is for the rain to stop!

We have been watching Series 4 of "Breaking Bad" all this week and finished the Final 13th episode last night. I really enjoyed it. I had a nasty tummy upset late in January and had a minor relapse with exactly the same thing on Wednesday night. It wasn't as severe as last time but still had me out of bed for 20 minutes at 2 am Wednesday morning.

I have finished my second course of heavy anti-biotics and all the dizziness has disappeared. I remain sniffly though so this cold has been hanging around for 6 weeks or so now. The nasal spray stuff I am on will fix it I have been assured but it may take up to 6 weeks to do so. The spray is around $40 a pop but our GP got me a couple of 'samples' to try.

Yesterday we travelled to the RSL for a "Students' Luncheon". The RSL has a training program for young 'wanna' be cooks and and waiting staff. It is around $20 for a 2-course table service meal. We gave it a try yesterday with friends Ian and Kerrie. The 'lunch' saw us get back home from Ian and Kerrie's just before 6pm. We both had $15 birthday vouchers from the RSL. This saved us a few dollars and ensured we had a great time.

I am catching up on websites. I have added an extra page to my Movies, How To website and I have been busy with the local Community Association website as well. My forums I like to visit can be time consuming providing advice as well.

Trish is at Quilters this morning and we don't have a drinks session planned for today as everyone is away. I will be watching the cricket and footy in front of the telly!

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