Thursday, December 04, 2008

Thunder And Lightning Show

It had been dry for a week. Forecasts for thunderstorms for last evening were withdrawn. At about 11pm we had the most incredible lightning and unexpected thunder storm. Lightning and thunder were simultaneous indicating the lightning strikes were right here. The lights on the home next door of a young family came on, I guess the young kids were frightened. With it came the rain! In about 20 minutes all was peaceful again. There were 13mls in the rain gauge this morning! The pool is again topped up and the lawn which was showing signs of drying out is bright green again. It is another glorious sunny day as you can see from the photo left I took this morning!

I picked Trish up from the airport yesterday. She was tired and had the customary cold! Everytime we go to Melbourne, we seem to come home with a cold! The heat was a bit of a shock for her but did not stop her grabbing a long nap in the afternoon.

I have done my 10k bike ride again this morning. It really is pretty here early in the day before the sun gets high in the sky. As I type at 8:45 am the temperature is about 27 degrees with a top today of about 31. I seem to remember a recent summer saw us get only 3 days in Maroochydore where the temperature peaked at above 30 degrees. We have had more than that already this spring and early summer.

Upon my arrival back home it was into the pool for a cooling swim then onto washing bottles ready for another brew to be bottled, probably on Sunday!

A shopping day today to replenish the pantry!

And a few swims in the pool I guess!

My new router modem seems very stable and I haven't had any more problems with receiving PSTN calls. I will keep my fingers crossed on that one.

We have been having a play with the 'new' camera. It seems to have heaps of great features and takes a great shot. The Fuji V10 now charges batteries OK with a few 'adjustments'.

Just as I was saying how the new router/modem was I suddenly lost my internet connection this morning. The light saying I was connected to my ISP suddenly went out, the router/modem Voip light disappeared and I couldn't access the web. 15 minutes later I saw all lights were back on and all was OK again! Most likely this was an ISP problem, not the new router/modem.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Les & Trish - all this crazy weather, but it is still one of the most beautiful places in the world to live. Craig.