Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas To All

Another year has almost gone! Christmas time is with us and it is becoming more difficult to find time for all the family to get together. There are other family requests to accommodate so spouses can also spend time with their family. This year we had our family get together on Dec 24th at Chris' home. Our three kids (Chris, Kate and Kim) were all there along with our four grandchildren. As usual there was too much to eat with ham, chicken, salads, prawns, nibblies and sweets.

But this day is a day for the grandchildren. They had a wow of a time eating, playing, getting presents and eating and then playing again. There was the usual backyard cricket game and even more time to give the new presents a try out. James missed his regular early afternoon nap and he slept very well Christmas Eve.

We arrived back at Kate's home early evening in time to get the kids to bed and for us to complete the major construction requirement, the finishing touches to the kids' trampoline Father Christmas was bringing for them the next day! Kim came over to Kate's home and stayed overnight, ready for Christmas Day. 18 month old James more than caught up with his missed afternoon nap and slept for about 14 hours. Though it seemed he could have used another few hours sleep still!

Christmas morning was in full swing, there were presents galore and we are still not sure who had the most fun, the kids or Mum and Dad! James woke up enough to give his new radio controlled car a test drive. I don't think he really knows how to 'drive' it but I am sure Dad will teach him the ropes! Charli had a great time too opening so many gifts. Mum had to help her put her new doll's house together while the Thomas the Tank Engine DVD had to get a play very early in the piece.

The trampoline turned out to be a real winner. Charli will spend hours in there jumping around and I think Mum might enjoy it too!

We all will enjoy a little nap this afternoon after our small Christmas day lunch. (There are a few prawns left). Tonight we attend Arj's family Christmas get together. Being Sri Lankan, magnificent curries will be the order of the day! There will be singing, drinking, eating, presents and lots of fun! The kids will sleep well again tonight.

Tomorrow (Boxing Day) Trish and I head down to Drouin to catch up with former neighbours Barry and Rainy and other friends for a BBQ. There will be more eating and drinking and laughing! And then for the next few days after that I am off to the Melbourne Cricket Ground to watch Australia Vs South Africa Test match cricket!

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