Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Trish Home Today

Trish flies in to Maroochydore Airport at about 10 am this morning. I will need to leave soon to collect her!

The weather continues warm here with most days a max of in the low 30's. Coupled with humidity, this makes for quite warm days, ideal for using the pool. The photo here shows my weather monitor and was taken at about 7:30 am this morning. As you can see the temp was about 27 both indoors and out. The humidity level was quite high too as it usually is each morning. We are expecting about 31 again today! The pool temperature this morning was a glorious 24 degrees. We have hot weather forecast for the next few days before we are expected to get more storms over the weekend. Welcome to summer!

I collected the new camera yesterday and it is a little beauty! It is so small yet has great features and takes a great photo.

Whilst I was a school principal, I became involved with a program called International School to School Experience. Click on the link to take you to the ISSE home page. Trish and I took 6 children to New Delhi in India about 12 years ago for a month. One of the girls 'home stayed' with a family and their daughter Kirti. I received a message from Kirti yesterday saying she, her husband and their daughter would be visiting Melbourne over January. Depending on our schedule we may be able to catch up with her!

We are flying down to Melbourne again on March 4th to celebrate Trish's birthday. We will return to the Sunshine Coast on March 18th.

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