Sunday, December 07, 2008

News From Sunday

Yesterday I went to my Computer Club meeting as usual. I was pretty busy there throughout the morning helping a few people out. One chap was wanting to know about which ISP he could choose when he reactivated his computer connection. Another lady was busy using Windows Mail out of Vista, and was wanting to know how to send email attachments to her son. Windows Mail seemed so cumbersome to me so I have her now trying out Mozilla's Thunderbird Email program. It is quite like Outlook Express but customizable to suit an individual's need. And it is much safer to use than Outlook Express!

Another lady could get on the internet with Internet Explorer but not with Firefox. Also her Skype couldn't connect either. I reckon it was most probably a firewall problem so we tried to repair her McAfee Internet Security program. Unfortunately it wouldn't install as she couldn't find her 'activation password' from when she had first set it up. So we got rid of it and installed and AVG Anti-Virus Free and Zone Alarm Firewall Free. Now she is well protected and everything seems to run fine for her.

From there it was back home to a scorcher. The temp was about 33 in the backyard and there was hardly a breath of wind. Humidity was around 70% so much of the day was spent with a cool ale in hand and in the pool. I have had to crop this photo so as not to upset anyone's 'weak' stomach! I don't scrub up too good in DT's! ( a nickname for the kind of swimming shorts I was wearing).

There weren't any storms overnight, just some showers and we got another 9mls in total! The roads and pathways around the Estate were all wet so we couldn't get out for a ride today. You can see 'my' rainfall figures for the year here. You will need to click on Q4 (4th quarter of the year) for the latest updates.

It is expected to get to 30 again today but we can expect thundery showers throughout the day. This link will give you the Bureau Of Meteorology Radar website and you can see for yourself what is happening here right now. Caloundra where we live is right up near the top of the page, just under "Maroochydore'.

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