Thursday, October 09, 2008

Busy Busy Busy!

Things have been quite busy the last day or so. I bottled a brew yesterday and then put two more brews on this morning, one of apple cider, the other of "Old" (a dark beer). At 8 am this morning the kitchen looked like this (see photo to the left). Now I have 45 litres of 'liquid' slowly fermenting in the garage. The cider takes about 6 or 7 weeks before it can be 'tested' so I need to put it on now ready for after Christmas!

Yesterday I again had the pressure hose out cleaning the pavers all around the pool. It is surprising the 'gunk' I get off them! I also had to give the remodelled umbrella stand a second coat of paint and then it was time to clean the front door. Heavy rain and dust means the front door needs cleaning a couple of times each year!

If I use the pressure hose around the pool I always then have to give the pool a vacuum. I visited the pool shop to have the water 'tested' before the busy summer period. I was lucky this time as all it needed was another bag of salt! I put some 'clarifier' in the skimmer box to aid the filter to get out the finer pieces of dirt that sometimes just slip straight through the filter! This meant the filter needed cleaning before I put the clarifier in.

The place is beginning to shape up ready for another summer. I only now need to pressure clean the sideway and do the sideway windows and then it will be all finished.

Maybe after it is all done I will be brave enough to look at the share market again! It is only dismal news at the moment!

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