Sunday, December 16, 2007

Slow Improvement

The terrible cough I have is improving but it is very slow. Phone conversations remain a 'trial and error exercise' to see if I can complete one without going in to a coughing fit!

We had a night out for tea last night going to a little Thai place which has either indoor or outdoor eating. Anyone who has been here to stay with us with most likely know where we mean. From there to the RSL for a cool drink and to allow Trish to make a donation to the club's coffers via their Poker Machines. It was very pleasant.

Buying Christmas gifts between us comes now to buying something we need ourselves then thanking the other for it. I bought a 2GB USB pen drive. It is so small yet holds 2 GB's of files. Here is a photo of it with a $1 coin just to give you an idea how small the thing is. It is a great way to quickly swap files between a couple of computers.

I received this picture from friends at Newcastle. It shows a pretty murky sky indicating a violent storm is on the way. When you see clouds like this the car goes straight under cover to protect it from potential hail stone damage.

We are beginning to tidy up around the place getting ready for our two week Christmas trip to be with family in Melbourne. Things need to be stowed safely in case a violent storm hits here too. Bikes etc need to be put away safely under lock and key.

More cricket for me to watch on TV today will keep me satisfied. Temps in the low 30's today and the pool is up to 27 or so. Very pleasant swimming I can tell you.

An email from Texas tells me there are some problems there with heavy unseasonal (and extremely rare) fogs. Also the danger drivers there have from deers on the road after dark. Must be like the problems we have with kangaroos and night driving!

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