Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Possible Storm Tonight .... Again!

We have been promised a storm almost every night this week, all without any success. Brisbane received a burst of rain overnight while here 100 kilometres north on the Sunshine Coast not a drop of rain was to be seen. The lawn again looks like it badly needs some rain to get it back to its luxurious normal condition for this time of the year.

The week has been one of every day events kind of going to plan. My chest cold continues to be a problem however the anti biotics have kicked in and the chest infection is improving. The cold is now becoming a head cold and I am a bit sniffly. Trish will break out into a brief coughing fit from time to time.

We are now down to one car here at home. The 'good' car doesn't always want to start every time. The fix is easy, just wait thirty seconds and try again. Most times it then starts perfectly. However a trip to the Hyundai dealer showed there was a problem with the 'antenna on the coil' according to the car's onboard computer. A replacement is being shipped from Sydney and will be installed in the next day or so.

I bought Trish a wine cooler for Christmas and she bought me a 2 Gig USB drive, just perfect for swapping files and photos around.

My Rapidshare download account expired today so any movie downloads are now done by the slower P2P method via a 'torrent'.

The pool looks great. The water is about 27 degrees during the day now and about 25 or so overnight. Looks like it would be good for a swim right now actually. Our days are high 20's or low 30's and the weather is sultry. Most nights it gets down to 21 or so and the ceiling fan stays on almost all night.

I manage a swim every day.

Trish was swooped again by magpies so she was very pleased when a puncture meant she couldn't ride for two days. I repaired the tube, checked it was 100% by putting it in the pool to make sure there were no leaks, then I put it back on the bike ready to go. An hour later it was flat again! It was easier just to go and buy a new tube which we did today! She is ready to ride tomorrow!

Bottling day tomorrow with another 'brew' ready to be bottled!

Busy, busy busy!

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