Monday, December 24, 2007

Family Christmas Celebrations

Every second Christmas we need to have our family get together on a different day to Christmas Day. This year was one of those years. However it worked out well as we were able to get both my sister and her family as well as my brother's family all together for the first time for quite a few years. Nowadays there are wives and girlfriends to involve as well so this makes getting everyone together a real challenge.

Though it was showery early in the day, the weather slowly improved so we were able to get outside and stretch our legs.

For some of the cousins it was the first time they had seen each other for years. My brother's son Jason and his new wife 'Than' had just arrived from Thailand where he had been working for 6 years. We had a great time.

There was Christmas gift giving which was the kids favorite part. Here our son's daughter (and our granddaughter) Emily is transfixed by a new extra large parcel. She really enjoyed the day.

My sister Judy's boy Marcus had trained as a chef so he 'whipped' some Garlic Prawns up on the BBQ along with some mussels and some great sea food sauce to go with it all. Cold meats, salads and a variety of sweets complemented the seafood. No one left the table hungry and there was still plenty of leftovers to wander back to as the day progressed.

It is not an easy job squeezing 18 adults and four kids around the table but we got there!

An Aussie BBQ or family get together always has a sporting part to it whether it is the traditional game of backyard cricket or a swim in the pool. There is always something which happens later in the day! For our family day it was a game of Bocce! Everyone joined in for a bit of fun.

My sister's 'other half' is Peter. We have always enjoyed quite a few drinks together but this Christmas celebration saw Pete have a couple of glasses of red wine. I have travelled to India and have enjoyed the Taj Mahal, I have been on another wonder of the world, the Great Wall of China! Now I have experienced a third wonder of the modern wold, a Christmas day Celebration with Peter NOT having a cool beer!

Everyone enjoyed the day, hopefully we can get everybody back together again not too long into the future!

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