Thursday, December 13, 2007

Not Much Of A Storm

Last night's promised storm failed to eventuate with only 4 mls of rain but a comfortable wind change back to cooler and less humid south easterlies. Today's top will be about 26 or so and with an overcast sky.

I still have plenty of coughing and spluttering with this cold going on.

Today was another 'bottling' day and a further 30+ bottles of home brew has been added to the collection. The alcohol content is only about 3%, a little stronger than 'light' beer but not as strong as 'mid strength'. I will add another 100 gms of sugar to the original mix and see if that gives it a small 'lift'. Sorry about being a bit out of focus, but this is a quick photo of the bottling process underway. I prefer photos of the 'emptying process' to this one.

We head south early next week for a fortnight in Melbourne. Our family Christmas Day will be on Sunday December 23rd as Chris has other commitments on Christmas day and our daughter Kim is flying to Bangkok and a holiday just prior to Christmas. Christmas day will be with Kate and the family. Christmas night is spent with Kate's husband's (Arj) family and is a feast of Sri Lankan curries! A great night is always had by all and I think this year it is at Kate's.

My sister Judy and members of her family are joining us on the Sunday too so it should be lots of fun and good times.

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