Monday, September 17, 2007

Summer Hits With A Bang

We have had a hot day here on the Sunshine Coast. Temps have been into the low 30's (about 90) with a strong north westerly wind blowing reminding us of those terrible summer days in Melbourne with the hot northerly. The big saviour however has been the low humidity. It has been about only 25%. In summer time when the wind is off the sea, the humidity can be anything from 60% to 75%. That is when 32 degrees is bl.....dy hot!

Sunday was a big day in the garden and around the house. The alcove (or beer garden area) had a big revamp. The water feature went into the back corner of the back outside garden and we bought some pavers and set about trying to make this small area into something usable. This is what we have come up with. Trish has her eye on another large green pot and a terracotta gizmo to go on the back wall. The bamboo screen lightens it a bit too.

Meanwhile the back corner (an area which has always defied any beautification) now houses the water feature. We moved a couple of potted plants into the area too to add some color. I reckon the water feature is much better in its new spot. The palms had a bit of a tidy up and a few fronds have made their way to the garden recycling bin!

All this hard work saw the pool get used again to clean up and cool off. I did a bit more finetuning of the pavers today and the pool was used again. Pool temp is still under 22!

A former workmate of Trish, Pat and her husband Graeme visit us tomorrow. We are looking forward to them coming here to stay for two nights.

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