Friday, September 21, 2007

Friday's Update

After our guests departed yesterday we did a little tidying up (washing bedding and towels etc). Later Trish got stuck into her Sudoku while I was back onto the internet for a couple of hour's serious 'surfing'.

Later during the afternoon I did a couple of "brews', one lager and one black ale. As the weather warms up, brewing gets to be a little easier as the warmth brings on the brewing process. This morning the 'black' was bubbling away as this photo shows while the lager was showing signs but not into full scale bubbling just yet. They will both brew for about 7 days and then I will bottle it. They will need to sit in the bottles for at least 2 weeks before they are ready to drink. As I have built up a supply, they won't be required for consumption till about Christmas time.

Yesterday was hot but the humidity was way down around 30%. The temp maxed at about 30 degrees. A cooler wind today and we will be lucky to get to 25. The pool is hovering around 20 degrees. The cool nights take away any heat the pool may gain during the day.

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