Thursday, September 13, 2007

Spring Cleaning

After a 10 k bike ride this morning the spring cleaning bug caught up with me again.

But firstly some comments on the bike ride. We have plenty of bird life in the area and usually the magpie provides a pleasant call as well as quietly getting on with its own business. But not so in the months of September and October as these are the breeding months. Some Magpies can change from timid birds to absolute bird of prey! During breeding season they can swoop and dive on unsuspecting cyclists even inflicting a nasty peck to an ear lobe! They always 'attack' from the rear so you don't know you are in for it until you hear the sweep of wings and screeching. They scare the wits out of you! Today's bike ride was spent keeping an eye out for attacking magpies! I have escaped so far!

Before heading home from Melbourne last week Charli had a nasty cold and was feeling unwell. Trish is now feeling unwell too. This tends to happen to us when returning from down south! She got out of bed fairly late today complaining of feeling cold and aches in her joints.

Today the sunblinds were hosed down with the pressure hose. It does a great job and cleans the blinds up very well indeed getting ready for the summer months. The blinds go all along the back of the house keeping the hot sun off living areas as well as stopping heat being reflected off the white pavers under the pergola.

Tomorrow it is the turn of all the windows!

About 26 expected today and after some early cloud the sky is now blue and the weather is sunny.

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