Wednesday, November 01, 2017

I Forgot To Look!

I remember well, many many years ago when we lived in Penang. The kids were young with only Chris being of school age.  At that time Kate was a keen climber, especially over the lounge room furniture.  She had a nasty fall this day from the top of the main lounge chair and hit her head on the concrete floor and then burst into tears.  "I forgot to hang on" she cried.

On my bike ride on Tuesday "I forgot to look closely".  Council has opened a couple of the 'barrier gates along a pathway I use infrequently.  There is a zig-zag path to negotiate or you can use the open barrier gateway.  You do have to be a little careful on your bike as at times there can be a 10cm drop from the concrete pathway to the grass below.

I was on my way down a long hill and was just about at the bottom and ready to use the open barrier gateway instead of the zig-zag slow you down method.  I saw a sign saying "Beware of Construction Vehicles" which caught my attention.  Then I checked to make sure I didn't have a drop from the pathway down to the grass and finally looked up to negotiate the gateway!

Oh sh#$#@! I said to myself as I looked up and saw that today the gate had been closed. It had been painted a light green as well which helped it blend into the environment.  No way known could I stop so I went for the brakes and broadsided into the closed gate.  Now I can tell you that being almost 72 years of age, a collision like this with a metal gate, it was easy to work out who the victor would be!

I took the full brunt of the impact on my left arm across a couple of the bars of the gate.  The doctor described it as a 'soft tissue' injury.  I had it checked out as we head off overseas in less than a fortnight and I wanted to be sure I hadn't done anything nasty to it.

It is much improved today but still is extremely tender.  My upper arm remains quite swollen and a huge bruise is brewing ready to pop out. No way can I lift anything with my left arm.

Ah well, as I used to say to the kids at school, "Isn't it about time you acted your age!"

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