Monday, November 20, 2017

Day 2, Thambapanni Resort Sri Lanka.

After a good night's sleep we arose on Day 2 in Sri Lanka ready for a quieter day. Breakfast at the 'resort' was serviceable and did the job. We were in no rush to head anywhere. The watch band on my $6:50 watch from China was breaking so that was a good enough reason to head into Galle, 4ks away.

The 10 minute ride in the tuk tuk was an experience that could take a whole blog post! The first watch repair place didn't have the correct size replacement band but the second place did. So 15 minutes later at a cost of $12 the watchband problem had been overcome.

We tend to walk a lot when visiting places like this which isn't a good idea for couple of 'oldies' in the tropical heat and humidity. Trish bought 20gms of saffron for $14 which seemed a good idea. Then we set sail for a Shopping Mall we had been told about but that didn't turn out to be what we expected. In the tropical heat and humidity we went looking for a cool drink after the walk in the heat of the day.

The place we found also had some food. So a bottle of coke, a bottle of water and a shared plate of rice, pol sambal and fish curry all for $5 meant lunch had been eaten. As in India, the taste of the food was powerful, a great taste sensation.

A short tuk tuk ride then found us at a touristy shop called Luv SL. It was the perfect place to buy some quality items for youngsters at home for Christmas.

From Luv SL it was another tuk tuk ride back to the resort. I donned my bathers and hit the pool for 30 minutes or so. Then it was drinks time so we made the 250m walk to the beach and this eatery right on the sand.

The photo above shows what you see from where we sit at the beachside eatery. The photoleft is the view back up from the beach.

Looks ok doesn't it? When you do an exact conversation the cost of a large 650m bottle of beer is a whisker over $3, but who's counting.

They will do a baked whole fish for under $16, so guess where we could be heading this evening?  That is if the thunderstorm going on outside clears!

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