Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The Russians Are Coming!

Another day in Sri Lanka, day 4 actually. Trish awoke feeling a little queasy and certainly not looking forward to walking around an old stone fort in the tropical heat and humidity. At one stage we were about to head off but she felt another 20 minutes rest would be a better idea. The longer the morning went, the better she felt and the hotter it became outside.

Around late morning she was feeling ok and could handle a shorter walk locally.

The sign above was just one of many we spotted written in Russian as we headed off for a walk. There are quite a few Europeans here at Thambapanni (there are only 22 rooms in the 'resort') who are eastern European in appearance.  There are several German couples but Trish and I are the only Aussies.

This certainly makes having a chat over a beer difficult. Most of them stare and walk past you as if you weren't there at all.  They are not the friendliest and you can't even get a smile or a nod.

Our local walk took us up a rather steep hill. About half way up the hill is a restaurant . The owner leaned over the rail and insisted we go there for our evening meal.  She had a bubbly personality and promised us a genuine Sri Lankan meal cheaper than anything we cold buy 'on the beach '.

So that's where we will head later.

We finished up our walk at our favorite by the beach eatery for a cool drink and a light meal.

From there the pool looked good for me while Trish recuperated with her tablet in the air conditioned room.

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