Monday, October 30, 2017

Will It or Won't It?

Will it rain today or won't it rain?

Brisbane has been hit with thunderstorms, lightning and sudden downpours the last day or so.  But we here on the Sunshine Coast may have observed a flicker of lightning in the distant sky to the south last night but that was all.

As the screen shot I took around 8am this morning shows it was again blowy this morning but I was up and out on my bike around 7 am, well before the wind began to spring up.  It was sunny at that stage but now, approaching lunchtime, it is overcast, the odd spit of a drop or two of rain and the wind has dropped away eerily.

With any sort of luck we will be in for a heavy shower or two, hopefully enough to fill up the pool.  The pool was back to 28° yesterday afternoon and just delightful for a swim.

I heard back recently that my 6 year old hearing aid which I put in for repair was now irreparable.  As I am an old bloke and on a pension, the government subsidizes me for a new one for me.  We have opted to forgo the health insurance payout (which meant another 5 months wait until the rebate became available) and just pay the difference ourselves.  The only reason we are doing that is the new replacement unit is 'on special'.  It is a very good deal indeed and saves an incredible amount of money.

Two weeks today we head to Coolangatta to stay the night prior to our flight to Kuala Lumpur at 9:30 am on Tuesday Nov14th.  It is around 200k's from here to Coolangatta so we reckon heading down the day before and staying overnight was a good idea.  You never know what may happen on the Bruce Hwy, the main (and only road) between here and Brisbane. There could be an accident, severe traffic jam or anything!

I do like my weather info and always have an electronic weather station set up around the house.  After some time they tend to die or stop working properly.  EBay again was where I went and the replacement weather Station was delivered this morning.

They are relatively inexpensive play things to have about.  I didn't pay a lot for it and as Trish says, it keeps me happy!

With our Melbourne trip a little over a week after we get back from KL I need to sort the Home Brew.  On Saturday I bottled one lot and then put on another.  The new brew will be for the trip down south.  So a bottle washing and bottling are in store for sometime this week.

Well, that's about it for today.  Same old, same old!

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