Thursday, October 19, 2017

Around 95%

It has taken a little time but things are rapidly getting back to normal in the midst of what has been some very wet weather.  Since the rain began last week, the current total is a little under 200mls.  It is certainly a lot brighter outside this morning as I type.  Despite repetitive showers, I managed to get the bathroom towels dry yesterday in between the showers.

Other areas further to our north have had around 400mls but we seem to have missed the very worst of it with our 200mls total.  The downpour has now pushed 2017 into an 'above average' year for rainfall.  It has been the continual strong wind which has been another major feature of this week's weather but it seems to be moderating nowadays.

The weather forecasters are saying we are in for another bout of very wet weather come the weekend so we now have that to look forward to.

So all the software now on the PC has been newly reinstalled and as always happens, some things don't work just quite the same.  However my networking setup is again perfect allowing me to push files around as I want, and my downloading hassles have disappeared.  Throw into the mix a new version of Firefox has just been released and some of my addons are now out of date, no longer working, and have required modifications.  It is all about 95% perfect again right now.

I hate it when everything is great and then there is an update and everything changes again.

Within the web browser Firefox there is a "Sync" function.  Firefox remembers all your addons, bookmarks, passwords and other features.  If a new install of Firefox happens, it is then able to download all your addons, passwords etc just as you had it before.  So that was great and now gives me a brand new install of the web browser.

Regretfully with the recent update a couple of the addons no longer work properly but I have implemented some changes so things work OK.

As I had a medical appointment in Caloundra to update prescriptions on Monday, I popped into the home brew shop to check my account.  It had over $150 on it.  So I have updated my supply of spirits mixers to go with the alcohol I get and a few bits and pieces such as grommets and the like as well as a few more cans of brew.

With so much cash there I also bought a new (and taller) beer brewing container.  Since updating the shelving in the garage some time ago, I now have extra space which can handle the taller (and better) brewing container.  At times, as the beer brews, it produces a lot of froth.  When this happens in the shorter container, the froth can push back up through the air lock and make quite a mess.

This should now be a thing of the past.  I think I will put a brew on next week.  I need to get my head around all this as we set of for Malaysia in around 25 days and the brewing process takes at least 7 days.

Needless to say with the wind and the rain, bike riding has been off the agenda.  According to the forecast I 'may' get a ride in tomorrow.

And the new blinds (or should I say the 're skinning'  of the current blinds) are being installed tomorrow.   ..... and a light shower is passing through again right now.

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