Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Plenty Of Water Has Passed Under The Bridge

The headline above is true in more cases than one.  As you may have seen on the news, SE Queensland has received a heap of rain with this area approaching around 200mls over the 3 days or so.  It is still raining outside now as I type. Earlier this morning (as I type at 8:34am) I think I saw a lighter patch in the skies as the sun tried to poke its head out through the clouds.

But it is raining again right now and has been doing so for the last 30 minutes or so.

The rain has been heavy at times but generally very steady giving us a good soak which is just what we need.

Usually I could tell you to the ml as to just how much rain we have had but today I can't.  As the 'ordinary' photo shows above, the PC has had a bit of an accident.  It all began of Friday with a few minor issues.  My default file downloader began to play up just a little.  It didn't matter what I did it still only worked intermittently. Then on Saturday it stopped working altogether.

On Sunday I thought I would do a System Restore which I tried but it didn't complete fully.  Partial System Restores are not good!  Thereafter a few other things stopped working including my networking, I could no longer see some other devices on my network.  The ability to be able to move files around, especially to and from the Seagate Cloud drive is very important for me.

Next step was to 'undo' the System Restore back to how it had been originally.  Again this didn't work completely.  Even another System Restore back to an even earlier date didn't work either.

I usually reformat my PC every couple of years but as things had been going so well I didn't bother, if it's not broken, don't fix it was my motto.  Fortunately I had done an backup early on the weekend.

The latest Windows makes it quite straight forward to do a quick full restore from within itself.  So by 8pm Monday night the PC was back to pristine condition but now means setting back up again with all my programs and other utilities.  I am sure there will be bits and pieces I still need to 'acquire' to get the job done.

So back I go to continue copying files across and getting evrything setup again

So the wet weather will continue and I will press on.

I remember we had around 141 mls for Saturday and Sunday.  I tipped 34mls out last night (Mon) and there must be another 10 or so mls in the gauge as I type.  I need to reinstall Office 2013 to record these falls.

So it is back to work  ...... or is it back to play!

And I'm pleased to report the company in China has agreed to replace the TV Dongle.

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