Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Rain Has Gone

We are again waking to clear blue skies with a top temp of around 23° most days after low teens overnight.  In other words, things are getting back to normal for this part of the world at this time of the year.

Last week was cool and showery, so much so I only managed one or two bike rides for the week.  But today another 17 or so K's and looking at around 100k's for this week.  It is a little blowy outside with huge surf on the coast.  The wind means 50% of the ride is hard work and 50% is straight forward.

I think the cardiac guy I see is looking to buy a new car as he referred me for an Echo Cardiogram which I had yesterday.  I am in my 70's and you would expect things to not be quite 100% which is the case.  The guy doing the Echo said as much in that there is a slight leakage in the heart valves which is almost normal for someone my age.  $220 thank you to be told there really isn't a problem.  The guy said he wouldn't even grade the leakage as "mild".

The one big benefit was where the Echo was done is just around the corner from the Headland Golf Club and sensational Chicken Parmas on the lunch menu!  Lunch was the highlight of the day.  The view from where you eat at the Golf Club is great as you can see.  That's Mooloolabah in the distance.  Those clouds you can see in the photo stay offshore through out the day leaving us with sparkling sunshine.

Temporary crowns continue to do their job OK and the front lawn was mown the other day.

Most of my time has been spent playing around with the disappearance of the major source of illegal addons from a website known as TV Addons following a threat of legal action.  The addons once installed provide links to movies and TV shows and allow them to be streamed over the internet to your TV via the internet.

I am not a big streamer of this stuff.  I find the quality varies a far bit and you never really know just how much of your monthly internet download allocation you are using.  As I have said before, a one hour TV show in good quality could vary from between 150mb to 800mb as a file size depending on the file type.

Last night we watched a two hour movie and it was 600mb in the x265 format.  To stream the same movie in the same quality could have been anything from 600mb as a x265 to 2GB (2000+mb) as an avi.  I have the time and the resources to hunt for the smaller file size and bettwr quality and get those.  There are actually some websites which now specialize in these smaller file types (x265).

The top addon for streaming stuff used to be stored on the TV Addons website and when TV Addons went, so to did this top addon.  It has just recently found a new storage spot so updates have to occur again so the addon 'home' can be updated and then the addon itself updated to everyone's device.  These updates can occur every two weeks or so.

But it's great fun!

1 comment:

Texas Lou said...

I wish that summer could have stayed in your part of the world. I am mostly house bound as in this part of the states we are feeling it with a vengeance. Last Saturday, the 17th we hit 106F (42C) And most days we are very near to that number. Thank goodness for central air conditioning and enough money to pay the electric bill. I go outside only early and late if possible, but today we had to drive 45 miles east on the Interstate highway to Abilene to go for our annual eye exams. And you might know, in the heat of the afternoon. It's nearly midnight so I better shut this machine and go to bed.