Thursday, June 01, 2017

Easier With It!

I managed 15.5k's on the bike this morning (Thursday).  Trish is saying it is cold down in Melbourne.  That same cold is available up here as well but mainly due to the windchill factor.  My Samsung tablet said this morning "Is 12.5° but feels like 6.5°".  With that in mind I delayed setting off for the bike ride till well after 9 am and managed 15.5k's all up.  I reckon around 5 or 6 of those K's were into the wind today and it is blowing quite steadily!  So it is much easier with the wind than riding against it!

Yesterday was 'repair day'.  The car is dropping some oil so it went in to be checked over today (Thursday) and any repairs are to be carried out.  I had been without the whipper snipper for about 5 weeks owing to fuel line leakages and them stuffing up the repair.  Then I had to wait yet another week or so before it was all done.  As a show of good faith they cleaned it up and did some free minor maintenance.

The fuel lines are good now but the thing leaks fuel from where they did the free minor maintenance.  So back it went yesterday.

So yesterday (Weds) I was about to back out of the garage and head to the mower repair shop to drop off the whipper snipper and then I was going to take the car around to leave it there and have the oil leak sorted today.  I jumped in the car, turned the key .... and nothing!  Our Auto Service up here was advertising a new 'Service Call' app for your phone.  It got a work out yesterday!

After the car was started, I took the whipper snipper to be dropped off and then around to the service centre I drove.  They were going to drop me back at home to save me carting the push bike over and riding back from the service centre.  We jumped in the car, turned the key .... and nothing!  So it looks like $160 for a new battery before they even begin to look for any oil leak.

Trish seems pretty busy down in Melbourne catching up with people all over.  She is able to get access to one of the cars down there when she needs it which is a great help.  She caught up with Kim yesterday and they had a great time.

I continue to learn more and more about Kodi.  I have updated myself on 'smart playlists' and set them up on my system.  So what I had previously has now become even better.  Today while watching a YouTube idea I picked up another great idea which will be fantastic for setting up anyone's new box in the future.

At home here I have hard drives for backing up my files everywhere.  The major drive is a 4TB Seagate desktop drive which is really the 'master' drive.  I had inadvertently left it on over night recently despite turning the PC totally off.

You would expect that when the PC was started for the next day and with the 4TB drive still powered up that, the computer would just see it was there and mount it.  But that isn't what happened.  Numerous turning on and off of the drive did not work, powering the PC off and then restarting didn't work so it looked like I had possibly blown the USB3 connection on the PC or that the drive was dead!  I plugged it into a different USB3 point, powered it up and "Bingo", the PC saw it was there and mounted it.

So it was still able to be used but now has to be properly dismounted after use and not left powered on!

Yep you guessed it, I left it turned on overnight again last night and this morning another usb3 connection failed to load the 4TB drive.

But I can now report that ALL of my USB3 ports are working again (most likely as the result of powering off and leaving everything to reset).  The 4TB drive has now been moved into the 'open' on my table so I can easily see if the blue 'Power On' light has been left on.  It will be a matter of watch and see.

One of the stores here (JB HiFi) has an online price of around $190 for a replacement 4TB drive.  Amazon in the US will deliver the same model to my home for around $135.

Footy on TV tonight and then more each night into and across the weekend.  Trish flies home on Monday around lunchtime so Sunday will be a washing day for me!

Hopefully the wind will ease, the windchill factor will decrease and it will become a little more comfortable outside for upcoming bike rides.

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