Sunday, June 11, 2017

The Wet Weather Has Hit

It was one of those mornings when you said that we have had some rain but it isn't raining now.  Then you step outdoors into very light drizzle.  We don't get these kind of days very often here on the Sunshine Coast.  usually when it rains it pours down cats and dogs.  Well today it is a little wet, a day too wet to ride but OK to "Bottle Wash".  So as the photo shows, the bottles have been washed and are 'drying' while the bike is parked and looking all alone.

I doubt the bottles will really dry at all today.

So after sorting the Community Association Newsletter over the earlier part of the week the rest has been a little quieter.  I did help a friend get his wireless printer setup.  What should have been easy and straight forward turned out out to be a complicated task.  The friend is beginning to have some problems with his memory so when it came to logging in to his computer he didn't know his login.  It was written on a piece of paper stuck to the monitor.  Then the login wouldn't work, and after 3 goes we had the option to create a new login.

But eventually it was all done.

Someone is suing one of the major stores of Kodi addons and they have caused it to go 'offline'.  This means you cannot install or update around 60% of all the best addons for Kodi.  Time will sort it out as addon developers find a new home in a new country for their addons.

Trish fell asleep in her chair last night around 7:30pm watching TV. As Secretary of the Arts Centre Association and in the middle of their giant Mid Year Fair, she has been very busy organizing.  Needless to say she loves it.  She was out for much of Thursday, all of Friday and Saturday as well as today Sunday.  Tomorrow will be finalizing all the unsold items. sorting the cash and tying up all those loose ends.

I still find it difficult to fully understand just how small the world has become.  A friend is currently in Bali staying not far from where we stayed.  I told him about some great Pork Belly we had.  I got an email from him yesterday asking could I remember where we had it.  Out came Google Maps, and then Street View and within 10 minutes he had the name of the restaurant and directions to it.

I then got another email a couple of hours later agreeing the Pork Belly there was very good indeed.  I remember back to our time in Malaysia in the late 70's.  My mother used to send the Monday Edition of the Herald Sun over by mail from Australia so I could get all the footy scores and the footy news.  It would arrive around Thursday and then it was passed on to others hungry for news.  Nowadays if overseas you can watch a game 'live' on your tablet or PC.

So that is about the latest of our news.  Kate, Arj and family are spending the 'long weekend' in Alice Springs and around Ayres Rock.  Again we get updates hourly via Facebook!  Thanks Arj for the photo I have 'borrowed' from Facebook!.

Times have sure changed!

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