Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Getting Back To Normal

The cars are all running OK, a couple of items I bought online have arrived, I have done my bike ride, but most importantly, Trish is back at home safe and sound and straight into her involvement with the Arts Centre Association.

Last night was the Community Association Public Meeting night which I chaired with the local Police, reps from Crime Stoppers and the local Federal Parliament member.  So after collecting Trish from Brisbane earlier in the afternoon it was back home to sort out things ready for the meeting.  Being mid year, those committee members with caravans are all further north enjoying sunshine leaving only a couple of us to put up chairs, erect tables and get things ready for the meeting. Photo above.

This morning a summary of last night's public meeting has to go onto the website to keep people up to date.  On top of this we have a Newsletter (which I put together) which has to be sorted by Friday ready for printing next week.  It is actually easier to put the Newsletter together with last night's meeting report and then put the same text and photos online on the Community Association website.

So all that is now done and dusted and at last I can sit quietly and surf the internet.

And I squeezed a 15 kilometre bike ride in this morning as well!
When you buy an Android TV Box from overseas quite often it comes with a US power plug and a very basic remote control.  People need to have an adapter so the overseas plug can be connected to an Aussie power point!  Sometimes when setting android TV boxes up for other people I wish I had power plug adapters and mini keyboards ready for them as well.

Usually you buy this stuff online and wait a few weeks for delivery.  They don't mind paying me whatever it costs to have what they want there and ready to go.  Via a website I keep an eye on called OzBargain, every now and again I find gadgets I reckon may be handy.  The Xiaomi Power Strip above and the Mini Keyboard below were both 'specials' I found and bought.
They both arrived yesterday.  I had almost forgotten about them.  Both are good quality items but sold for lower prices as they were both "Special Promotions".  The power strip is from China but has very good safety specifications.  As you can see it accepts various international power plugs.  The mini keyboard is backlit and also has a built in battery charged by USB.  For these sorts of features you would expect to pay well over $20 each where as both were around $15 or $16 delivered.

And I now have a spare power strip and a basic (but working fine) mini keyboard for people who may want them to work with their newly acquired android TV box.  So to cut a long story short, I will get my money back no problems.

It was particularly blowy on the bike ride this morning with the southerly keeping things cool.  We have around 23° today as our top and low teens as an overnight low.  There is hardly a cloud in the sky and it is delightful ....... out of the wind!

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