Thursday, June 15, 2017

A Dampish Week

I have managed one bike ride of around 18k's this week, such has been the weather and rain across the time.  With the daily rain there has been an accompanying strong wind.  Neither feature of the weather is conducive to bike riding I am afraid.

But I have bottled one brew and immediately put another brew on.  When the weather is a bit unpleasant it isn't too much of a chore to bottle and then get another brew on straight away.

And for a guy who has is reasonably fit I have seen the Heart Specialist, the Ear Nose and Throat Guy (ENT) and the Dentist.  It is two years since I had a bit of a scare with the old heart and shortness of breath.  This turned out not to be a heart problem but a mild case of Asthma which is now under medication.  Shortness of breath is no longer a concern!

But there is a minor problem, a problem which many specialists now consider 'normal' for a person of my age according to the Heart Doctor.  So it is off for another Echo Cardiagram next week.

The ENT guy was for my annual checkup and tidy up.  I got an excellent report from him. 
Currently I am nursing a tooth with a 'temporary crown' through to the next Health Cover year which begins July 1st when a permanent crown will be fitted.  However in the meantime another tooth which had an extensive filling several years ago, has not stood up to the rigors of my eating and it has collapsed as well.

It too urgently requires a crown too.  These crowns are very expensive in this part of the world and now I am up for a second one, an expense we had not counted on. One is out of this year's benefits, the other will be from the new year when it begins on July 1st thus giving us the best financial outcome possible.

TV Addons, the website which provides around 60% of the addons I suggest for people on their Android TV Boxes via Kodi, has gone to ground and removed all services.  Their website has gone and the links no longer work!  It seems they have been threatened with legal action.  As with many things, where this is a will there is a way and much of this week has been spent finding new ways!

And as with many things, TV Addons will reappear in slightly different guise in a few days time and all will be 100% again!

I pay for a service called Real Debrid.  It is relatively inexpensive and provides live full links to movies, TV Shows and other downloads across the web.  Right now the most dangerous way of getting video files is via torrents known also as person to person (P2P).  ISP providers can tell those of its customers who are using person to person to get their movie files illegally.

But with Real Debrid you just paste the torrent link into their website and they download the file for you.  This means you cannot be spotted by your ISP for participating in illegal behaviour.  Usually P2P is the slowest of all methods of downloading.  As the screenshot above shows, Real Debrid downloaded my file at over 4MB per second which is around double the internet speed I have access to!  Right now I am downloading the file from Real Debrid to my PC at around 1.7MB per second!

Hopefully the bulk of the rain has now passed and we can get back on with bike rides, walking, mowing lawns, cleaning pools etc.  Across this week we have had around 60mls of rain over 4 or 5 days.  The days have been cool but the nights warmer than usual for this time of year.

The Arts centre Fair last weekend made around $9,000+ profit and slightly pipped the previous year's effort.  Everyone is rightly proud of themselves.

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