Monday, February 06, 2017

It Remains Hot Here!

Usually this is the wettest time of the year.  You get your few hot days as the humidity builds and builds.  Then all hell breaks loose, the skies open up and the tropical rain just pours down.  Then the summer cycle begins again, hot, hotter hottest, the skies open up and everything cools down again with a storm!  But not this year.

The usual tropical rain cycle hasn't arrived at all this year and we are just getting hot, hotter and even bloody hotter.  There are just no thunderstorms to clear the atmosphere out and cool things down a little.  Brisbane experienced its hottest January night ever this year.  They say the sea water temperature is currently 26°.  The wet season further up north had been delayed by a month and has now arrived but is only effecting the very north of the state.

Most days it gets to 34° in the backyard, and usually it drops to around 23° overnight.  It is registering around 30° by 9 am!  It is like this every single day.  The front lawn has all but disappeared because of the lack of rain.  In January we had a little over 50mls (2") but 40 mls of that fell in the first week of the month.  Since then we have received virtually nothing and we still get the 34° every day and very warm overnight!

Most year's the air con gets used 2 or 3 times over summer and only on exceptionally hot days.  This year we have had very few exceptionally hot days but there has been no cooling off days either.  The air con goes on almost daily as the house just doesn't get a chance to cool down.  The cooler sea breeze has deserted us as the current sea temperature is so high!

Every 3 or 4 days it is necessary to top the pool up from the tap.  Without the regular thunderstorms to do the topping up 'naturally', the home water supply is needed to keep the pool at the right level

The occasional home brew and the pool are my first lines of defence against the consistent hot weather!  I still manage my daily bike ride and if anything I am riding further each week.  This morning I did 11k's and when I got back home I put a brew on.  Yesterday I just rode and did 20k's.

Any heavy chores need to be done by 9 am and wearing a hat is a necessity.  The swim before bed is now a nightly ritual.  This morning the pool was 28° and this afternoon it should get up to around 31°.

The new phone is great as is the Nvidia Shield TV box.  The international surge protected power board I bought in Melbourne at Christmas to plug my overseas devices into kept turning itself off so I have reverted to the 80c style power adapters you buy on eBay and a regular power board. The turn off hassles have disappeared!

There have been some great movies to watch recently.  Movies which have won big awards already have disappointed us.  La La Land was disappointing, Moonlight was dreadful but we really enjoyed Silence, Hidden figures and The Founder.  Lion was OK but nothing to write home about.  We still have a few more good titles to work our way through.

The photo above is from "The Founder".  The movie tells about how the MacDonald's chain of food stores was started up from the original MacDonald's to eventually a became a world wide sensation.

The two MacDonald brothers came up with the original concept but were not prepared to expand on the idea.  This other guy saw the potential in the original store and began the MacDonalds food store chain franchise as we it know today.  He became very rich, much richer than the original brothers who created the concept.

Its an interesting movie, one to put on your "Must See" list!

1 comment:

Texas Lou said...

My daughter Julie and I went to Abilene two weeks ago to see rave reviewed La La Land and we were both sorely disappointed. I guess I was expecting a musical like they used to be. The opening number on the crowded freeway was the best in my opinion. And I was totally confused at the end. Where and how did she meet her husband and have a child? And he wasn't her boyfriend from throughout the show.

We should be having cold icy weather here in February, but instead we have not had a drop of moisture in three weeks and the county fathers instituted a 'burn ban' because of high danger for grass fires. It is unusually hot like upper 70s and is predicted to be 85F (30C) this next Saturday. I am wearing shorts and tee tops every afternoon and our roses are beginning to leaf. We could still have snow, but who knows??