Saturday, February 11, 2017

After Some Respite

After such a long hot and dry period, we have just experienced some milder weather and even some rain.  Not a tropical downpour like we would expect in this part of the world, but brief heavy showers lasting up to 5 minutes.  It would pour for a few minutes, then the sun would return and things would be back to normal.

But 6 or 8 of these heavy showers managed to yield 12mls one day and a further 10mls the next.  The wind has swung to the south east and the top temperatures have reflected that wind change and dropped a couple of degrees.  More importantly the nights have cooled that little more as well giving the house a chance to cool down overnight.

But the hot weather is back today and for the next couple of days before the South Easter re establishes itself Monday afternoon.  35° on Sunday doesn't sound too good but the air con will get a good work out and indoors will be the place to stay.

I attended a major new road opening on Wednesday as our estate continues to develop with new roads opening up and house building going on everywhere.  The Minister for Main Roads was there and he came up for a quick hello and a chat.  I managed a talk with his minders on the needs of the area but he was a busy man. I even managed a quick chat with the Mayor.

It was good fun networking and getting the needs of our community across to those in attendance.

But not a lot of other news.  The pond in the photo above is usually full of water but with the dry it is almost dried up.

The new phone works great and I am able to load it up with all the apps I want.  The camera is reasonable but serves the purpose for my needs.  The photo above was taken with it but tarted up using program on my PC.

I rode around 70ks this week which was good as I missed Wednesday's ride owing to the New Road opening. There is another great bike track along the new road, a ride I aiming to do tomorrow before it heats up too much.

I have bottle washed and all ready for a bottling, most likely Monday morning.  With 27° as an overnight minimum forecast for Sunday into Monday that could be a good idea instead of a bike ride.

So as you can see it is the same old ... same old!

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