Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Sunday's "storm" yielded a slightly cooler change in the weather and a fraction over 5mls of rain.  A downpour it wasn't.  The rain was disappointing but the slightly cooler temperatures were very welcome.

Though only 6 months old, the bike has developed a click noise down in the pedal cranks.  I was hopeful of losing it for just one day when I put it in to the cycle workshop at the local Anaconda Store for repair. It should be under warranty and I was hoping (and I expected) to get it back later on today (Wednesday).  But this probably won't be the case.  Thursday afternoon at the latest I was promised.

So it is a day or two 'off the bike' for me.  As I put a brew on Monday today provided the perfect opportunity to bottle wash and sanitize this morning.  Approaching 8:30am that task has been completed.

As it was slightly cooler we decided on a walk along Kings Beach on Monday afternoon.  Despite being a little cooler and mid February, we have decided it is still too hot to head off for a walk over a longer distance.  But as the photo above shows we did find a delightful spot at one of the local "Clubs" (of which we are members) to relax on the deck with cool drink in hand.

The new deck at "The Mets" is a new addition and overlooks Kings Beach and the sea water pool.  It was a very pleasant spot to spent an hour or so.

Last night (Tuesday) we decided to get some tea in town.  We finished up with Fish n Chips overlooking the Caloundra bar, a dangerous piece of water for fisherman to cross on their way out to the deep water.  There was a strong sea breeze blowing and I had the fore thought to take some drinks along as well.  It was a great spot and enjoyed very much.

Trish is off to Stitchers today which is her major Craft Group she goes to.  Chatting and laughing seems to be the major activity at Stitchers and this makes for a morning Trish loves very much.  Having made some wonderful friends there makes it even more enjoyable.

Last night we watched and enjoyed the movie "Patriots Day" the story of the Boston Marathon bombing.  It was extremely enjoyable, plenty of action and well put together.

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