Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Coats and More Coats

It is June 1st, the first day of winter, and with the sudden drop in top temps back to around 20, the cooler weather is certainly back with a vengeance.  Today is grey and overcast and there is a good chance we will get a few showers over the next few days.

With the cooler weather the new $20 coat I bought last week has been in use a little.  We had a trip over to Trade Secret the other day.  They sell end of the line stuff so there are always great bargains there.  Trish had been keen for me to buy a dressier jacket than what I finished up with, and Trade Secret had just what she had originally wanted me to buy.

On the "Clearance" rack was just what she had wanted me to buy in the first place.  This delightful jacket was originally priced at $75 but by the time it reached the "Clearance" rack it was down to $21. Now it adorns my section of the walk in wardrobe.

Now I have a range of coats or jackets at home to choose from when I head out.

My head cold continues to improve.   Now my coughing outbursts are limited to just a few times per day.  I no longer disturb the neighbours when I wake and begin a coughing fit to try to clear my chest.  I do have a decent head cold now in its place but that can be dealt with easily enough.

Bike riding has gone well and truly on hold as my current health and brisk wintry weather are not a good mix!

After really enjoying an "Indian Pale Ale" when in Perth I put a brew of it on Monday morning.  It is bubbling away quietly.  Bottle washing and a bottling are to follow.

I learn something new about my Android TV box each day.  It really does keep my mind active nowadays trying to puzzle out issues or trying to work out how I can do this or that.  Needless to say I love it.

My footy turned out to be disastrous over the weekend.  There will be no need to buy air tickets down to Melbourne in September to watch the Grand Final the way my team is travelling right now. 

But I would have an appropriate coast to wear if I had to make a last minute trip!

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