Friday, June 24, 2016

The Big Move

Recently it would take the best part of three or four minutes to open my computer in the morning.  It worked fine but there were times, especially at startup and shut down when it just seemed to take ages.  This week I wanted to do a few things but I had to wait until the disk drive quietened down before the PC would react.

I had considered moving to Windows 10 earlier in the year.  I use my PC quite a bit and it has been almost 2 years since I first got it and a reformat and reinstall would get it back to good condition again.  But I worked on the adage that if it ain't broken, don't fix it!

So this week was kind of the final straw.  It has taken just on a full day to load on Windows 10 and set it all up again.  It doesn't look that different to what it did before but it now loads in 90 seconds and shuts down almost as quickly.  It has been a good move.

I have had to 'modify' a few things so it works with Windows 10.  I had to find a registry hack to get Windows Picture Viewer back again.  My Nero 8 just wouldn't work and Firefox wouldn't allow heaps of addons to load.  Now I am trying Waterfox (a Firefox spinoff) instead of Firefox as my browser.  Thunderbird was my email client but I have now swapped to a Thunderbird updated clone called "Earlybird".

I did get to the doctor yesterday regarding my cough.  At last she is coming around to the idea that possibly it is exercise induced asthma.  I am on a new 'puffer' called Symbicort.  I usually have my worst cough first thing in the morning when I wake.  A couple of early morning puffs and my coughing was reduced to a few small coughs over an hour or so.  Trish was delighted not to be woken to a coughing fit.

I am not back on the bike yet, but now I have this new device I may be tempted to venture out again when we get a nice sunny day.  It is cool and overcast today so bike riding isn't any sort of consideration.

Kate, Arj and family are in New York 'on their way home'.  We are trying to communicate with people down south to have their car ready for them when they get back home.  A quick Facebook "Message" to Kate in New York, a few minutes later Skype was up and running and the relevant conversation took place.

Needless to say they are having a great time.

Altogether we finished up with around 150 mls over the four or five days last weekend.  The wind wasn't too bad and overall we managed without a problem.  But it was great to get the sun back again.  It looks like a couple of dreary days coming up this weekend and it does look like cooling right off.  Top teens is all we can expect over the next few days.  Great footy watching on the TV weather I reckon.

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